美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2011-01-16(在线收听

1. President Barack Obama heads to Tucson today to attend a memorial service for the victims of Saturday's deadly rampage. Thousands are expected to attend the public memorial at the University of Arizona's basketball arena. Six people were killed in the shooting. Fourteen others including Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords were injured.


2. Another round of flight cancellations are expected today as a storm system dumps snow on New York City and New England. The storm is expected bring as much as a foot of snow in some spots. The same storm system has already wreaked havoc throughout the southeast.


3. The death toll from a flash flood in northeastern Australia has now gone up to twelve. A giant wall of water prompted by a sudden storm roared through a valley in Queensland Monday. The flooding, which started in November, now covers an area lager than Germany and France combined.


4. Michael Jackson's personal physician will stand trial for involuntary manslaughter in the death of the pop star. Tuesday the judge in the case ordered Doctor Conrad Murray to stand trial following a six-day preliminary hearing. Murray has pleaded not guilty. He could face four years in prison if convicted.
