听电影学英语-弱点 22(在线收听

  [00:03.73]Michael? Michael! I’ll be waiting for you in the lobby, alright?
  [00:12.05]I don’t know, Sean. I just have a bad feeling about this one.
  [00:15.98]This woman is tough, tough... hold on.
  [00:22.05]The client wants what?
  [00:24.81]Were you aware that coach Cotton is accepting a job at Ole Miss?
  [00:29.11]And that this job offer came after you signed with them?
  [00:33.24]Sean Tuohy, your legal guardian went to Ole Miss.
  [00:36.09]He played basketball.
  [00:37.72]And Mrs. Tuohy went to Ole Miss as well.
  [00:40.31]She was a cheerleader.
  [00:42.09]Is this safe to say that Ole Miss is their favorite school?
  [00:44.72]Did they like any other universities?

  [00:46.84]What about, say Tennessee?
  [00:48.76]No. They can’t stand Tennessee.
  [00:52.45]-And your tutor... -Miss Sue.
  [00:54.50]Miss Sue. Miss Sue is an Ole Miss grad, too.
  [00:59.51]Miss Sue ever tried to persuade you to attend Ole Miss?
  [01:08.09]Did you know that the Tuohys make generous donations to Ole Miss?
  [01:11.36]That even Miss Sue makes donations?
  [01:14.32]That the Tuohys, they have a condo in Oxford
  [01:16.60]so they can attend as many athletic events as possible?
  [01:19.81]That, in fact, Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy
  [01:22.37]are by our definition... "boosters."
  [01:27.35]Mr. Oher.
  [01:29.48]Mr. Oher?
  [01:31.54]Do you understand... do you know, why am I here?
  [01:35.55]To... investigate.
  [01:37.48]Yes. To investigate.
  [01:40.43]I’m here to investigate your odd... predicament.
  [01:45.37]Do you find it odd? Your predicament?
  [01:56.23]Can I... can I leave now?
  [01:58.00]No. You can’t.
  [02:01.24]-What do you want, ma’am?  -I want the facts!
  [02:03.42]-I need the truth.  -I didn’t lie!
  [02:05.22]And I want to know what you think about all this.
  [02:07.29]Think about what?!
  [02:17.86]The NCAA fears that with your recruitment a door might be opened
  [02:24.07]That boosters from lots of schools in the south

  [02:26.15]will become legal guardians for young athletes without means
  [02:28.68]And funnel them to their alma maters.
  [02:32.02]I’m not saying I believe it and I’m not saying I don’t,
  [02:35.48]But there’re many people involved with this case
  [02:37.40]who would argue that Tuohys they took you in,
  [02:40.72]-They clothes you, they fed you. -No.
  [02:42.92]-They paid for your private education, -No.
  [02:44.92]-They bought you a car, -No!
  [02:46.35]-And paid for your tutor, -No.
  [02:48.03]All as part of a plan
  [02:49.48]to insure that you play football for the university of Mississippi.
  [03:10.56]Michael! We’re not finished.
  [03:13.98]It’s not available. Just like I told you three months ago.
  [03:16.56]So why don’t we go with the canvas.
  [03:18.93]The low napa, it’s a beautiful---
  [03:20.98]Oh, I’ll call you back. Bye.
  [03:22.32]Michael. So what happened?
  [03:24.90]-Why’d you do it?  -What?
  [03:27.63]All along you wanted me to go to Ole Miss.
  [03:30.19]Of course, I did. We love Ole Miss!
  [03:32.49]Why did you do this for me?
  [03:33.63]-What?  -Everything!
  [03:35.22]Was it for you or was it for me?
  [03:37.61]Was it so I would go to school where you wanted?!
  [03:40.75]Was it so I would do what you wanted?!
  [03:43.06]-Michael, no... -That’s what she thinks.
  [03:46.21]Is she right?
  [03:48.00]Michael, honey,
  [03:49.17]I need for you just listen to me, alright?
  [03:50.31]Don’t you dare to lie to me.
  [03:55.47]I’m not stupid!
  [03:58.71]Michael, of course, you’re not stupid.
  [04:00.39]Michael?! Come on.
  [04:06.52]I should have followed him.
  [04:08.44]You had no way of knowing he’d disappear.
  [04:13.41]Was he right?
  [04:15.98]What he said about us?
  [04:17.99]Leigh Anne, be reasonable.
  [04:19.45]We gave clothes to a boy who had one pair of shorts.
  [04:21.82]We gave him a bed.
  [04:23.81]To hell with the NCAA,

  [04:25.55]I’d do it again tomorrow.
  [04:27.18]What about all the rest of it
  [04:29.88]All the stuff we did to make sure that he got a scholarship?
  [04:34.26]A scholarship at Ole Miss.
  [04:36.84]He could go whenever he wanted, he knew that.
  [04:39.20]Oh, did he? Did you ask him?
  [04:42.43]’Cause I sure as I know I never did.
  [04:49.15]Come here.
