听电影学英语-字典情人 05(在线收听

  [00:30.88]- What are you doing? - I live here now. -你在干什么? -我现在住在这里
  [00:34.16]You can’t live there. 你不能住在那里
  [00:37.76]Then I will live in the jungle. 那我就住在丛林里
  [00:38.24]I like the jungle. 我喜欢丛林
  [00:41.32]No, listen. You must go back to the Longhouse. 不 听着 你应该回到长屋去
  [00:44.48]They will laugh at her. 他们会嘲笑她的
  [00:46.08]They will say she choose you but you no have her. 他们会说她选择了你,你却不要她
  [00:51.28]- Is that true? - No. -是真的吗? -不
  [00:54.44]They will say you not sleep with her 他们会说你不跟她睡觉
  [00:56.12]because she too pig ugly. 是因为她长的跟猪一样丑
  [00:57.00]Listen, I don’t think you’re ugly. 听着 我没觉得你丑
  [01:02.88]I think you’re very beautiful. 我觉得你非常美丽
  [01:04.28]I don’t sleep with you because of my beliefs. 我不跟你睡觉 是因为我的信仰
  [01:10.12]Because... the spirits of my country forbid it. 因为…我的国家的精神禁止这样做
  [01:15.64]You want to sleep with me but you forbid by your spirit? 你想跟我睡觉 可你的精神却禁止你这样做?
  [01:19.92]Yes, you could say that. 是的 可以这么说
  [01:24.24]Wait, wait, wait, wait. 等等 等等
  [01:24.96]I will go to my tree now. 我要回到我的树屋去了
  [01:27.64]Perhaps we could have another try. 也许我们可以再试一次

  [01:31.00]If you’re willing to re-employ me, that is. 如果你能再雇佣我的话
  [01:39.68]I will give you one more chance. 我可以再给你一次机会
  [01:50.72]Hey! 嗨!
  [01:55.40]I want a word with you. 我有话跟你说
  [01:56.36]Last night you got completely drunk again. 昨晚你又喝醉了
  [01:59.88]My other masters, they fine me 我其他的主人 他们给我发工钱了
  [02:01.92]one week pay if I blind drunk, 我要喝得烂醉,就是付了一周的
  [02:03.92]two week pay if I blind, legless drunk. 要是醉的走不动,就是两周的
  [02:05.24]I blind drunk two time a month regular, 我一个月定期的烂醉两次
  [02:10.92]so very cheap cook. 工资很低的
  [02:16.24]Fair enough. 明白了
  [02:29.88]Wait. 等一下
  [03:03.60]Do you play croquet? 你打槌球吗?
  [03:05.48]No. 不
  [03:06.68]Help me reload, would you? 帮我装火药 好吗?
  [03:11.80]I’m clearing the jungle for a croquet lawn 我要清除这片丛林 建个槌球草坪
  [03:12.52]for when Cecil, my daughter, comes out. 我女儿赛希尔就要来了
  [03:16.52]It’s much quicker than a working party from the jail. 这样做要比工作队来的快
  [03:17.68]Aggie Bullard, Henry’s wife. 安琪.布拉德 亨利的妻子
  [03:21.44]You must be Truscott. 你一定是托斯卡
  [03:23.44]How are you getting on with Henry’s damn fool tests? 亨利的笨蛋测试进行的怎样了?
  [03:25.44]I think next I have to wrestle a crocodile. 我想下次我必须跟鳄鱼摔跤了
  [03:32.00]Sleeping dictionary shaping up all right? 睡觉的字典发展的还算顺利?
  [03:35.40]Us women don’t know anything about all of that. 我们女人不懂那些的

  [03:35.56]Truscott! 托斯卡
  [03:38.64]- Truscott! - And for heaven’s sake, -托斯卡 -但在老天的面上
  [03:41.64]there’s something wrong with you down below. 你下面那玩意有问题
  [03:41.76]bed her or the Iban’ll think 跟她睡觉吧 要不依班人会认为
  [03:43.80]Excuse me. 对不起
  [03:45.52]Re-group! 重新集合
  [03:53.44]Sorry? 对不起?
  [03:56.96]You’re not picking up the language very fast, are you? 你学习的不是很快,是吧?
  [03:59.96]And where are those Chinese heads?! 那些中国人头在哪里?
  [04:06.88]You are in the bathroom. 你在卧室里
  [04:14.32]I am in...? 我在…?
  [04:21.92]the bedroom. 卧室里
  [04:38.24]What do I do? 我在干什么?
  [04:40.20]I... 我…
  [04:43.36]I say good night to my father. 我对我父亲说晚安
  [04:55.72]Where do you go? 你去哪?
