听电影学英语-这个男人来自地球 15(在线收听

  [00:04.20]没有从东方来的智者膜拜马槽 No wise men came from the east to worship at a manger.
  [00:07.83]我倒是做过点治疗 I did do a little healing
  [00:09.96]用我所学的东方医术 With some eastern medicine I’d learned.
  [00:14.60]就这样 That’s it.
  [00:19.50]三位智者的传说 The three wise men began as a myth
  [00:21.41]来源于佛祖的出生 About the birth of the buddha.
  [00:28.00]John 我得回家亲亲我的老婆了 John, I should be home, uh, kissing my wife.
  [00:34.16]我们都被你的故事吸引了  We’re all here, trapped by your story...
  [00:37.80]期待一场...革命?我不知道 Hoping for a... revolution? I don’t know.
  [00:46.90]还有没有  Are there any, uh...
  [00:48.88]更多的启示? More revelations for us?
  [00:57.26]就和古时候一样 It’s just like old times.
  [01:05.80]你不是耶稣 You weren’t jesus.
  [01:10.66]援引 登山宝训 Quote the sermon on the mount.
  [01:13.00]哪一版? Which one?
  [01:14.30]达秘版? 詹姆斯王朝版? 还是新美国标准本? Darby, king james, new american standard?
  [01:17.53]你全都看过吗? Do you know them all?
  [01:19.40]没人真正了解耶稣 我也是 No one knows the one, not even me.
  [01:22.60]我  I...
  [01:23.93]我某天的确在山上讲课 I did some teaching on a hill one day.
  [01:26.26]那天没有很多人 Not that many people stayed.
  [01:28.33]但你  But you...
  [01:29.46]《圣经里》耶稣说 Biblical jesus said,
  [01:31.50]"你们认为我是谁?" "Who do you think I am?"
  [01:33.96]他给了他们一个选择 He gave them a choice.
  [01:37.90]我现在也给你们同样的选择 I’m giving you one.
  [01:42.23]你是吗? Were you?
  [01:45.60]如果我说不是 你们如何确定? If I said no, could you ever be sure?
  [02:05.40]把歌关了 Turn that off.
  [02:07.36]拜托 Please.
  [02:11.40]这样太过火了 This has gone far enough.
  [02:13.45]已经太过分了 It’s gone much too far.
  [02:15.43]这些人很难过 These people are very upset.
  [02:18.01]我不认为你疯了 I don’t believe you’re mad,
  [02:20.53]但你说的绝对不是真的 But what you’re saying is not true.
  [02:23.93]那就只有一种解释了 That leaves only one explanation.
  [02:27.93]现在你必须承认 The time has come when you must admit
  [02:30.06]这是一个恶作剧  This is a hoax...
  [02:32.93]谎话 A lie.
  [02:34.23]是不是 John? Isn’t that true, john?
  [02:37.90]如果趁还能挽回的时候 你不做 If you don’t drop this now- If you can-
  [02:40.70]我会觉得 I’ll be convinced
  [02:42.23]你非常需要被留心 That you need a great deal of attention.
  [02:45.21]我会让你强制入院观察 I can have you committed for observation.
  [02:48.16]你知道的 You know that.
  [02:49.83]我现在问你 I ask you now-
  [02:51.78]我要求 I demand it-
  [02:53.66]告诉这些人实话吧 That you tell these people the truth.
  [02:56.76]给他们一个了结 Give them closure.
  [03:00.05]是时候了 John It’s time, john.
  [03:03.30]拜托 Please.
  [03:18.13]故事结束 大家退场吧 End of the line. Everybody off.

  [03:24.16]什么?! What?!
  [03:26.16]这是个故事 It was a story.
  [03:28.33]这只是个故事 It was all a story.
  [03:31.45]我的天! Good god!
  [03:34.16]又是一个神话? Another fairy tale?
  [03:35.98]全都是故事?但  All of it? But what-
  [03:37.73]你还发过誓  What in the name of heaven...
  [03:39.13]John 你让我们很纠结 你到底有没有疯 John, you had us wondering whether you were sane or not,
  [03:41.40]这只是个故事! And it’s just a story!
  [03:43.00]你哪来的这么残缺的 荒谬的灵感? Where’d you come off with such a half-Baked, asinine idea?
  [03:46.33]至少你可以放心我没疯 At least you’re relieved I’m not a nut.
  [03:48.13]我倒希望你是 I’d prefer you were!
  [03:49.80]你们给我的灵感 You gave me the idea.
  [03:51.43]你们所有人 All of you.
  [03:52.83]又来了? Come again?
  [03:54.16]伊迪斯看到了梵高的画的赝品 Edith saw my fake van gogh.
  [03:55.76]你当时可以告诉我 You could have just told me.
  [03:57.22]你还说我从未变老 You commented that I never age.
  [03:58.84]你给我那本原始人的书 You gave me the book on early man.
  [04:00.43]丹 你发现了錾刀 Dan, you spotted the burin
  [04:02.03]你还说 "如果石头能说话" And you said, "if stones could speak. "
  [04:03.73]我就知道 I knew it.
  [04:05.36]我得到了灵感 在你们身上 I got the notion, I ran it past you
  [04:07.83]测试一下反应 而我玩过头了 To check your reactions, and I took it too far.
  [04:10.43]玩过头? Too far?
  [04:11.80]测试我的反应? Check my reaction.
  [04:13.30]是你问我 我是否是宗教历史上的人物 You asked if I was a figure from religious history,
  [04:15.90]还有没有人和我一样 If there were others like me,
  [04:17.41]要是我创造了未来人 If I’d created future identities.
  [04:18.86]我们围着五月柱绕圈 We were chasing our tails around the maypole,
  [04:22.05]享受神秘感 分析的延展 Enjoying the mystery, the analytical stretch.
  [04:25.20]你们帮了我大忙 You were playing my game!
  [04:27.13]我也在帮你们的忙 I was playing yours.
  [04:28.70]哦 老兄 你牵着我们的鼻子走? Oh, man, you know, you had us going, right?
  [04:31.33]你厉害 老兄 You were good, man.
  [04:32.56]你知道中国盒子吧 You know those chinese boxes,
  [04:34.06]盒子套盒子 盒子套盒子 盒子套盒子 One inside the other inside the other inside the other-
  [04:37.16]我就感觉我在最后一个盒子里 I feel like I’m in the last box.
  [04:40.23]你个狗娘... You son of a...
  [04:42.53]养的! Bitch!
  [04:43.56]你怎么能这么耍我们? How could you do this to us?
  [04:45.13]我还在担心你 I was worried about you.
  [04:47.20]我知道 我多次想摊牌 I know, I was tempted to cop out many times,
  [04:49.58]但我很想看看你们 But I couldn’t resist seeing whether or not
  [04:51.93]是否能把我驳倒 You could refute what I was saying.
  [04:53.70]我有最完美的听众 I had the perfect audience-

  [04:55.63]人类学家 考古学家 Anthropologist, archaeologist,
  [04:57.53]基督直译学家 Christian literalist...
  [04:59.63]心理学家 A psychologist.
