听电影学英语-征婚广告 07(在线收听

  [00:03.60]- He seems really excited about her. - Where are Marc and Jason? -看来他很喜欢她 -马克和杰森呢?
  [00:06.60]They took the kids to Magic Mountain. 带孩子去魔幻山了
  [00:07.96]The kids didn’t even really want to go. The dads whined. 他们还抱怨孩子们并不是真想去
  [00:11.24]Well, they’re so spoiled, those dads. 他们太宠着孩子了
  [00:14.44]So how was your day today? At the dog park? 你今天顺利吗?在公园?
  [00:15.04]- How did you know about that? - Who do you think you’re dealing with? -你怎么知道的? -你以为面对的是谁?
  [00:19.24]- You’re good. I have to give you that. - So come on. -我承认你厉害 -那就快说
  [00:20.28]- Tell me. - Okay. -快 -好吧
  [00:23.28]We got off to kind of a rough start. But then it was okay, you know? 开始有点糟糕,接下来挺不错
  [00:27.76]He was a little intense. He was nervous. He couldn’t stop insulting me. 他有点紧张,所以显得有点咄咄逼人
  [00:29.64]You know what this sounds like. 听起来你挺感兴趣
  [00:30.96]- No, it’s not. Don’t say it. - But it is. It’s a growth opportunity. -不是,别说了 -是就是,这是个机会
  [00:35.04]I’m not over my last growth opportunity when you stole Danny Shea. 你偷走丹尼-谢的那次机会我还没缓过来呢
  [00:39.00]Will you forget Danny Shea? He’s probably a convicted felon... 你能忘了丹尼-谢吗? 他现在可能在蹲大狱...

  [00:41.28]...by now, divorced. -...离了婚,也许你该去找他 -卡萝
  [00:42.88]- Maybe you should call him. - Carol.
  [00:44.64]What about that guy you met at preschool? You maimed his kid? 幼儿园认识的那家伙呢? 孩子受伤那个?
  [00:50.16]- Bob connor. - Yeah. Mr. Incorrigible. -鲍伯-康纳 -对,不可救药先生
  [00:51.20]I told you, I can’t. He’s the father of one of my students. 我说过不行,他是我学生的父亲
  [00:53.92]Yes, honey, but he’s not your father. That’s a big step forward for you. 没错,但不是你父亲, 那对你来说是个大突破
  [00:58.96]- Bill. - Dolly. -比尔 -多莉
  [01:26.52]- What a lovely home you have, Dolly. - Thank you. -你的家真漂亮,多莉 -谢谢
  [01:30.56]When my third husband died, I decided to give up the big house. 我第三任丈夫去世时我决定搬出大房子
  [01:36.36]Third out of how many? 一共有几个?
  [01:39.32]And these potholders? 还有这些杯垫
  [01:41.64]Where did you manage to find them? 你是从哪弄到的?
  [01:46.48]Oh, yes. She’s very creative. 她很有创造性
  [01:50.60]Our mother used to sew all our clothes when we were younger. 我们小时候穿的衣服也都是妈妈做的
  [01:53.36]- Sarah. - Well, she did. -莎拉 -本来就是
  [01:55.36]Your father told me all about your mother, honey. 你爸爸跟我说过你妈妈的所有事,亲爱的
  [01:57.12]She must have been a very special lady. 她一定是个非同寻常的女士

  [02:02.32]- She was. - And you must miss her very much. -是的 -你肯定很想念她
  [02:03.00]- I do. - And you see me... -是的 -我猜想...
  [02:07.36]...as something of an interloper, I suppose. ...你觉得我是个不速之客
  [02:09.04]Do you want me to lie down for this? 你希望我视而不见吗?
  [02:12.96]We’re at interloping? When did that happen? 我们成外人了?什么时候的事?
  [02:17.12]It’s Dad’s life. I don’t meddle. 这是爸爸的生活,我不想干涉
  [02:18.12]Carol, you meddle in my life all the time. 可你一直在干涉我的生活
  [02:21.76]Well, technically that’s not true, because you don’t have a life. -不完全是,因为你没有真正的人生 -我碰巧有个很完整的人生
  [02:24.96]I happen to have a very full life.
  [02:26.68]Did you even check all of your messages? 你查过所有回复吗?
  [02:28.56]I thought a few were very promising. 我觉得有几个值得考虑
  [02:32.04]- Like who? - Like the engineer from oxnard. -比如谁? -比如那个奥克纳德的工程师
  [02:33.40]- With the sexual dysfunction. - In what way would he be promising? -有性障碍的那个 -那哪点值得考虑?
  [02:38.00]You could cure him. The whole nurse-patient thing. 你能治好他,象护士对待病人
  [02:39.68]- You’ve got it all worked out. - It was brave of him to be so forthcoming. -你都想好了 -他这样坦诚是需要勇气的
  [02:45.24]- Why don’t you call him, then. - Why don’t you. -那你干嘛不打他电话? -你怎么不打?
  [02:45.32]- Call! I’ll give you his number. - Maybe I will. -去啊,我给你号码 -没准我会
  [02:48.64]- Go for it. - Okay. -去啊 -行
  [02:50.32]Hey there. Ms. Nolan. 你好,诺兰小姐
  [02:52.92]What are you doing yelling in whispering Breeze Park? 怎么在"窃语公园"这么大声啊?
  [02:54.48]Look who it is. 看看是谁
  [02:58.44]- What a surprise. - Oh, hi, Ms. Nolan. How are you? -真没想到 -诺兰小姐,你好吗?
  [02:59.16]- Hi, sweetie. - Who’s that? -小宝贝 -那是谁?
  [03:02.76]- Oh, this is my sister carol. - Nice to meet you. -这是我姐姐卡萝 -很高兴认识你
  [03:03.92]This is Austin, my student, and his dad, Mr. Connor. Bob. 这是我学生奥斯汀, 还有他爸爸康纳先生,鲍伯
  [03:10.72]Actually, I go by Bobby now. 现在我该叫鲍比
  [03:12.88]Right. You live here? 行了,你们住在这?
  [03:14.08]Yeah, they cater to the recently separated and divorced. 对,这里专门接纳新近分居或离婚的人
  [03:16.04]But I’m the youngest guy here by 40 years, so it’s good for my morale. 我是40年来最年轻的, 这对自信有好处
  [03:20.44]- My wife and I are gonna try it apart. - I know. -我妻子和我打算离婚 -我知道
  [03:25.72]Will you just look at her, son? 你会对她目不转睛吗?
  [03:27.20]Is my little girl lovely or is my little girl lovely? 我的小姑娘很可爱不是吗?

  [03:29.28]Oh, Dad, don’t worry about embarrassing me. 爸,别让我难堪了
  [03:33.68]Stop it, Bill. She is cute as a button, though. 够了,比尔, 她又不是小孩子
  [03:36.56]So, what is it you do, Bobby? Sarah never tells us about her beaus. 你干哪行的,鲍比? 莎拉从不跟我们说男性朋友的事
  [03:39.80]I’m finishing my Ph.D. In American history. 在读博,美国历史专业
  [03:40.28]- A biography of Robert E. Lee. - I always felt sorry for Lee. -关于罗伯特-李的传记 -我总是为他难过
  [03:43.16]Forced to fight against his old friends and west Point classmates. 被迫和老朋友以及西点的同学作战
  [03:46.96]Could only dress in gray. Sad. 只能穿灰色,悲哀
  [03:49.08]She’s funny too. A complete package, you know. 她还很风趣,十全十美
  [03:53.64]When I need extra money, I work construction. 另外需要钱时我就上工地干活
  [03:55.32]Well, it sounds very manly. Do you wear a hardhat? 听起来很有男人味,你戴安全帽吗?
  [03:58.32]Sarah was the one who always had the boys knocking at the door. 当年有很多男孩子上门追求莎拉
  [04:01.60]- Oh, Dad. - She had eyes only for that singer. -哦,爸爸 -她却只中意那个歌手
  [04:03.84]What was his name? Thin fellow. 叫什么来着?瘦瘦的家伙
  [04:07.64]- Looked like a girl. - Mick Jagger. -外表象个女的 -迈克-杰格
  [04:10.32]No, no. Sarah was saving herself for David cassidy. 不对,莎拉是把自己留给了大卫-卡西迪
  [04:13.28]- Carol wasn’t saving herself for anybody. - What? -卡萝不会把自己留给任何人 -什么话?
  [04:13.64]Like you weren’t. 好象你没有似的
  [04:17.16]I remember now. It was David cassidy of The Pheasant Family. 记起来了,是"野鸡家族"的大卫-卡西迪
  [04:22.04]Bill. Bill, honey. 比尔,比尔,亲爱的
  [04:22.84]Partridge Family. You know, I saw him last year in Vegas. 是"山鸡家族",我去年在维加斯见过他
  [04:27.16]He was good. Hadn’t changed a bit. Same turtleneck. 挺帅,一点没变,还是那件套头毛衣
  [04:29.24]Sarah had the whole Partridge act down. 莎拉有过整套"山鸡"的行头
  [04:33.92]She’d put on the little miniskirt, the go-go boots... 她穿着短迷你裙,戈戈舞鞋...
  [04:35.48]...and pretend she was Susan Dey. ...装成自己是苏珊-戴
  [04:36.56]- This is all a lie. - Sing the theme song, Sarah. -都是假的 -唱唱那首主打歌
  [04:40.64]- Don’t make me kill you, carol. - You remember the intro. -别逼我杀了你,卡萝 -还记得过门吧
  [04:52.36]- No. - Come on. -休想 -来吧
  [04:54.96]Come on. 来吧
