听电影学英语-足迹 15(在线收听

  [00:05.66]Isn’t it nice?Look at the view. 很不错吧? 看看吧
  [00:11.26]There’s a private bathroom.A small fridge. 有私人浴室 小冰箱
  [00:11.50]A bottle of Chilean Chardonnay is chilling in there at this very moment. 现在里边正冷藏着一瓶智利淡葡萄酒
  [00:19.86]This suite is uninhabited. 这套房还没有人住过
  [00:25.06]It has no occupant. 没有过房客
  [00:30.26]How would you like it? 你喜不喜欢?
  [00:36.06]Me? 我?
  [00:41.46]Yes, yes. 是的 是的
  [00:41.86]I think I’ve come to the conclusion that you’re my kind of person. 我想我已断定你是我喜欢的那一型人
  [00:49.06]Am I, now? 我现在是吗?
  [00:51.50]Well, I told you.I liked your mind.It excited me. 我说过 我喜欢你的思想 它令我兴奋
  [00:53.26]I need intellectual excitement. 我需要给大脑刺激
  [00:57.66]Intellectual stimulation. 给大脑些刺激
  [01:02.86]Well, they don’t grow on trees. 可它们并不是长在树上

  [01:04.30]I’m a rich man. 我是个有钱人
  [01:08.26]What do you want to do? 你想要怎么做?
  [01:11.06]I can subsidize anything you want. 我可以提供你你想要的任何东西
  [01:13.86]You want to open a bookshop in the village? 你想在村子里开间书店吗?
  [01:15.86]An art gallery?Or, of course, a little theater. 画廊? 还是...当然啦 一小间剧院
  [01:20.26]You’re a wonderful actor. 你是个优秀的演员
  [01:22.46]You could choose all the plays and play all the leading parts. 你可以挑选所有剧本 演出所有的主角
  [01:26.50]But this would be your home. 但这里就是你的家
  [01:38.06]And this would be your bedroom. 而这里就是你的卧室
  [01:44.86]You’re asking me to live here? 你在请我住下来?
  [01:49.86]Yes, I’m asking you to stay with me. 对 我在请求你与我同住
  [01:54.26]Oh, we would also travel.I mean, Jamaica, Swiss Alps. 噢 我们也会去旅游 我是指 牙买加 瑞士阿尔卑斯山
  [01:57.30]I bet you’re a wonderful skier, aren’t you? 我敢打赌你的滑雪技术很好 是不是?
  [01:59.70]You could ski to your heart’s content. 你可以滑到心满意足为止
  [02:02.86]Swim in the blue Caribbean. 在蔚蓝的加勒比海中畅游
  [02:04.26]I’d be waiting at our table with a Scotch on the rocks. 我会准备一杯加冰的威士忌 在桌子旁等你
  [02:09.66]Or a chilled Chilean Chardonnay. 或是杯冰凉的智利淡葡萄酒
  [02:14.70]The world would be your oyster. 这个世界就是你的
  [02:17.66]But what about Maggie? 但玛吉怎么办?
  [02:22.06]Forget her. 忘了她吧
  [02:24.06]Let her rot. 让她堕落下去吧
  [02:25.86]Stay with me. 跟我一块住
  [02:30.06]You’re my kind of person. 你是我喜欢的那种人
  [02:38.26]It’s quite tempting. 条件相当诱人
  [02:53.06]Hello? 喂?
  [02:53.26]Hi. 嗨
  [02:57.90]It’s going okay. 会顺利的
  [03:02.46]We’re still talking. 我们还在谈
  [03:07.46]We’re on the right track.It’s all going okay. 我们步入正轨了 会顺利的
  [03:11.26]That would be a mistake.It’s all going fine. 那会是种错误 一切会很好的

  [03:11.46]Don’t come down. 别过来
  [03:16.26]I love you too. 我也爱你
  [03:20.86]I am. 我也是
  [03:24.06]I’m kissing you. 亲你
  [03:27.46]Oh, yes. 噢 是的
  [03:29.70]I can taste your mouth. 我可以品尝你的嘴巴
  [03:36.06]What the hell did she want? 该死的她到底想怎样?
  [03:40.06]She wants that divorce. 她想要离婚
  [03:44.46]What about my proposition? 我的提议怎么样?
  [03:50.46]Well, I like the idea of Jamaica. 我喜欢牙买加那主意
  [03:52.66]-What about Barbados?-Well, and Barbados, and Antigua. -去巴贝多怎么样? -巴贝多 还有安地瓜
  [03:55.06]Yeah, it’s true.There’s so many places I haven’t seen. 耶 没错 还有好多地方我没去过
  [03:56.86]Hollywood.Saint Petersburg. 好莱坞 圣彼得堡
  [04:00.26]The Cote d’Azur, Coney Island. 蔚蓝海岸 科尼岛
  [04:05.06]And I hear there’s that wonderful hotel in Scotland called Balmoral. 我还听说苏格兰有间叫作巴莫勒的酒店很不错
  [04:08.66]-That’s where the queen lives.-So bed and breakfast is out. -那是女王住的地方 -那样床和早餐都泡汤了
  [04:11.66]-It’s on if you know the queen.-I don’t. -只要你认识女王就成 -我不认识
  [04:13.06]I do. 我认识
  [04:15.06]That’s fantastic. 太不可思议了
  [04:20.66]But seriously, though. 我可是说真的
  [04:22.66]We could have such a wonderful time together. 我们可以一起度过如此美妙的时光
  [04:24.46]Venice?Disneyland? 威尼斯?迪士尼乐园?
  [04:27.26]Whatever you want.Whatever you want. 你想要什么都行 想要什么都行
  [04:28.66]Whoever you want. 想要谁都行
  [04:32.46]I could introduce you to whoever you want. 想要谁我都可以介绍你认识
  [04:35.46]Kissinger?Dick Cheney? 基辛格? 迪克 切尼?
  [04:36.86]-Yes.-Yes? -可以 -可以?
  [04:37.66]Madonna?Mike Tyson? 麦当娜? 迈克 泰森?
  [04:38.86]I must say, that as offers go... 我必须得说 这些条件...
  [04:45.46]...it’s quite tempting. 相当诱人
  [04:49.86]You’re a naughty tempter, aren’t you? 你是个调皮的撒旦 不是吗?
  [04:57.06]I’m so glad you like my mind.Not many people like my mind. 我很高兴你喜欢我的思想 并不是有很多人喜欢我的思想
  [05:00.46]Quite a few people like my body... 相当多人喜欢我的身体...

