听电影学英语-缘分天注定 02(在线收听

  [00:03.20]- I think so. - Everything’s predestined? 一切命中注定 我认为是
  [00:05.20]- We don’t have any choice at all? - I think we make our own decisions. 即是说,我们不可以选择
  [00:07.88]I just think that fate sends us little signs, 要留意徵兆,才得到幸福
  [00:10.84]and it’s how we read the signs that determines whether we’re happy or not.
  [00:13.36]- Little signals. Yeah. - Yeah. 留意徵兆?
  [00:16.44]Fortunate accidents. Lucky discoveries. Columbus in America. 机缘巧合:哥伦布发现新大陆
  [00:19.00]- Yeah, or Fleming discovering penicillin. - Penicillin. 弗莱明发明盘尼西林
  [00:22.20]- Fleming is his name? - Yes. 原来是弗莱明发明的
  [00:23.88]Or "Jonathan and the Gloves." 又例如:庄纳顿与手套?
  [00:26.68]- I don’t know that one. - You don’t know that story? 我倒没听过
  [00:28.08]It’s an old folk tale classic. 没听过?家传户晓的民间故事啊
  [00:32.08]And in a perfect act of "serendipiocity" or "serendipaciousness," 机缘巧合,或者机缘巧遇之下…
  [00:32.76]Our hero, Jonathan, goes out in search of black gloves. 主角庄纳顿四出寻找黑手套
  [00:37.84]he runs into a beautiful, attractive English girl with a boyfriend. 邂逅一位名花有主的英国佳丽
  [00:43.76]You have a boyfriend, right? 你有男友吧?
  [00:45.08]- And you have the glove lady. - Yes, I do. 你也有手套女友
  [00:45.28]- Yeah, I do. - That’s what I thought. 有啊  不出所料

  [00:50.56]- Mm-hmm. - It was a very nice time. 今晚很愉快
  [00:56.24]- Well, I hope you enjoy the gloves you bought yourself. - Oh, I’m sure I will. 希望你满意对手套
  [01:00.96]I usually appreciate my own thoughtfulness. What do you want for Christmas? 一定满意,我通常满意自己心思
  [01:05.92]- Golf clubs. - Oh. 你自己要什么礼物?
  [01:07.24]No, I think he’s probably out doing what you’re doing. 不是,他可能在做你所做的事
  [01:07.60]So you’re gonna meet your boyfriend now or what? 现在去见男友?
  [01:12.44]Getting a crush on someone else’s girlfriend? 迷上人家的女友?
  [01:13.52]No, I’m sorry. I just meant to say I had a really great time. 对不起,我意思是今晚很开心
  [01:15.88]You know, maybe you should give me your phone number, you know, just in case. 给你电话来好吗?以防万一
  [01:18.56]- In case of what? - You know, in case of life. 万一什么?  万一再见不到你
  [01:21.88]I just had a great time, and I’d never be able to find you again. 相处得这样愉快,我希望能再见
  [01:24.08]Well, if we’re meant to meet again, then we’ll meet again. 有缘千里能相会
  [01:28.52]It’s just not the right time now. 目前时间不合
  [01:30.36]Maybe we were supposed to meet on British time and we’re five hours too early. 可以改用英国时间

  [01:34.48]Come on. I don’t even know your name. My name is Jonathan. 连你叫什么我都不知道
  [01:37.04]- Does that make you wanna tell me something? - Yeah, it does.
  [01:42.68]Merry Christmas, Jonathan. And thanks. 圣诞快乐,庄纳顿,谢谢你
  [01:51.40]That’s it? 这样就算?
  [01:56.12]# I can feel my heart #
  [01:56.72]- Oh, Jesus, I’m sorry about that. - # And it’s about to burst # 不好意思,对不起
  [02:00.24]# I try to clean it up #
  [02:04.08]# But I just get worse #
  [02:10.28]# Wish I could fall #
  [02:12.52]# On a night like this #
  [02:17.48]- # Into your loving arms # - I think I left a scarf. 我似乎遗留了颈巾
  [02:18.04]No. Nothing down here. Why don’t you go upstairs? 不在这里,或者在楼上
  [02:22.72]- Maybe it’s still there. - Thank you.
  [02:24.56]# I thought I saw your face #
  [02:27.64]# In the evening sky #
  [02:31.92]# On a lonesome cloud #
  [02:35.60]# That was drifting by #
  [02:37.68]# I wish I could fall #
  [02:41.84]# On a night like this #
  [02:47.24]# Into your loving arms ##
  [02:58.16]Let’s go do something. 一起去逛逛吧
  [03:00.64]All right. What you wanna do? 到哪里去?
  [03:02.52]I don’t care. 无所谓
  [03:06.56]All right. Come on. 好
  [03:18.32]Now, promise me you’re not just visiting here for a week... 希望你不是游客
  [03:19.84]or marrying somebody to get a green card or on parole. 也不是为取得绿卡的过埠新娘
  [03:25.24]None of the above. You? 更不是假释中的狱犯
  [03:29.20]So you won’t tell me your name. 告诉我吧,你最记挂…
  [03:29.88]No, no, no. Proud U.S. citizen. No criminal record. 你呢?
  [03:33.88]Well, tell me, uh, what do you miss most about Mother England? 英国的什么?
  [03:35.76]I miss my mom terribly. 最记挂我的妈妈
  [03:38.40]If I were her, I’d miss you too. 我做你妈妈,也会记挂你
  [03:46.48]Okay. Favorite movie. 你最喜欢的电影
  [03:51.72]- The correct answer is Cool Hand Luke. - I’ve never seen it. “逃狱金刚”  未看过
  [03:54.60]Oh, come on. You’ve never seen Cool Hand Luke? 什么?未看过“逃狱金刚”?
  [03:56.92]Paul Newman? Oh, my God. Come on! 保罗纽曼?
  [04:01.08]"Failure to communicate." Sadistic cop in sunglasses with no name. “沟通的不足、冷漠的狱警”
  [04:03.96]Reminds me of you in that way. 有你的影子
  [04:07.24]Um, favorite New York moment. 最喜欢的纽约时刻
  [04:11.80]This one’s climbing the charts. 现在差不多了
  [04:14.44]I’m flattered. 很看得起我
  [04:16.32]Is there anything else you need to know about me? 你还想知道我什么?

  [04:23.60]Favorite sexual position? 最喜欢的性交姿势
  [04:29.68]Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Yeah, yeah. That’s my favorite too.
  [04:33.84]- You all right? - Yeah. 这个也是我喜欢的
  [04:35.68]- Did you hurt yourself? - No. Yes. 没事吧?
  [04:37.36]- You did? Let’s take a look at that. - Ouch. 真的?给我看看
  [04:38.28]- Oh, Jesus. That’s a deep, deep gash. - Gaping. 不得了,伤得好深 皮破肉裂
  [04:42.28]What? We’ll fix that right up.
  [04:49.04]There you go. 掂
  [04:52.72]What? Oh, you’re looking at my freckles. 望什么?
  [04:55.00]It’s the curse of the English, I’m afraid. Fair skin and bad teeth. 英国人的通病:苍白皮肤、烂牙
  [04:58.32]No, you have great teeth. 你的牙齿好看
  [05:00.80]Those aren’t just freckles. 这几点不仅是雀斑
