听电影学英语-缘分天注定 08(在线收听

  [00:03.88]- Would 20 bucks help? - It might if I was a health inspector. 二十皮如何?
  [00:06.12]- Listen, this is really important. - Oh, boy, did it again. 这是十分重要
  [00:09.08]Crossed the line. You have to remain on the other side of the register. 又过界,你又过界
  [00:13.68]I don’t wanna say it again. Remain on that side. Thank you. 站在那边,谢谢
  [00:14.12]Let’s bottom-line this, huh? What’s it gonna take? I have to have the name. 要怎样才肯替我查?
  [00:20.08]Well, I was a little short on my weekly sales draw. 今个星期我还未做够营业额
  [00:24.36]- Were you? - I’m just mentioning. 是吗?  只是顺便一提
  [00:28.80]Okay. Um, I’m going to, uh-- ( Muttering ) 好,我要…
  [00:30.12]- Uh-uh. - Look where my feet are. 我双脚未过界,看
  [00:33.40]All right?
  [00:38.44]- Lovely choice, sir. - Thank you. 够眼光
  [00:40.76]Account number was 029351-- 帐户号码是…
  [00:45.88]I thought you said you were gonna help with my weekly draw. 029351…
  [00:50.64]The tie’s worth $95. We’re still 700 short. 领带值95块,我还欠700
  [00:53.64]- $700? That’s extortion. - 700. 700块?那是乘人之危
  [00:53.92]That’s good salesmanship, sir. 那是推销妙法

  [00:58.64]What do I need? 要我买什么?即管说
  [01:00.16]Ring it up.
  [01:02.16]- Well, we have a purple tie. What would go with a purple tie? - Mm-hmm. 紫领带…应该配衬什么?
  [01:04.08]I look like a magician. 我像个魔术师
  [01:06.88]All right, you horrible little man. 好吧,你这可恶小人
  [01:10.16]I bought the entire spring line. Okay, you happy? 我买了全套春装,满意未?
  [01:11.56]- Now, look her up. - I already did. 查查她姓什么吧
  [01:15.68]It was a dead account. There’s no information in our computers. 查过,帐户已经取消
  [01:18.68]- You give me that? - Hey, chase me. 给我!  追我吧
  [01:20.52]- Chase you? What? Are you insane? - Don’t cross the line! 追你?发神经吗?  你过了界
  [01:22.20]- You crossed the line! - Stop saying that or I will cut you! 再说过界就砌你!你最好帮我
  [01:26.64]Now, you better find a way to help me right now! 立即帮!  还有办法
  [01:28.80]- I can suggest another option. - Suggest it fast. 快说
  [01:29.08]When our customers apply for a credit card, 信用卡单据副本存放在…
  [01:30.92]the hard copies go to our storage facility in Queens. 我们在昆士区的货仓内
  [01:35.16]All you need is the account number, which you already have, 凭帐号就可以查到她的资料
  [01:36.76]and you can find her application. 不过,要雇员陪同才可以进去

  [01:38.28]However, you need an employee to get you in.
  [01:41.24]You need an employee... 你要雇员陪同才可以进入货仓内
  [01:44.08]to get you in.
  [01:51.24]Crocodile. 鳄鱼皮
  [03:00.92]A natural. 你拍得很自然
  [03:02.60]- Yeah? - Yeah. Really natural. 对,自然
  [03:09.36]- No, no, no. Cut, cut, cut. - What’s the problem? 停  什么事?
  [03:12.00]The problem is you can’t fend off an army of blood thirsty Vikings with a shehnai. 一枝笛怎敌得住凶狠的维京人?
  [03:16.32]- It’s illogical. - No, see-- No, no. 不合常理
  [03:19.44]You’re lulling them into submission with the music. 合啊,你用音乐来驯服他们
  [03:21.48]That’s the whole point of the song, really. "Mystic Surrender." 衬托出歌曲主题:神秘的投降
  [03:26.64]You don’t think he looks like he hates the music? 你不觉得他听得痛苦?
  [03:28.52]No. Hey. 不觉得
  [03:35.00]Hey, baby. 宝贝
  [03:36.84]- Now, this guy, he’s-he’s like Alec Guinness. So good. - Yeah. 他像阿历坚尼斯
  [03:39.04]Star Wars. Obi-Wan. “星球大战”的老武士
  [03:45.72]- What are they thinking? Who are these people? - They’re in awe and speechless. 在想什么?是什么人?
  [03:45.76]All right, right here, what are they doing? What’s their attitude? 他们在做什么?
  [03:50.32]And they’re just grateful. Underfed. Underpaid.
  [03:55.92]Why don’t they ask me to stay in the village and have a feast? 村民为什么不设宴款待我?
  [03:58.92]Yeah. Sara, hey.
  [04:01.28]- Can we talk for a sec? - Sure. 可以谈谈吗?
  [04:03.12]Okay, yeah, I’m going to split, guys. 好,我要走了
  [04:04.64]Lars, I’ll tell you what. I’m gonna talk to the director... 拉斯,我会跟导演谈谈
  [04:06.20]and I’m gonna have him tweak that whole section. 我会叫他修改一下
  [04:08.24]- It’ll be fine. It’ll be fine. - Tell him about the feast. 放心好了
  [04:13.52]- What’s going on? - I lost my keys yesterday. 什么事?
  [04:16.16]我昨天遗失了钥匙 那可麻烦
  [04:18.44]- Oh, that’s a drag. - And I’ve just found them in the freezer. 后来在冰箱内找到
  [04:20.20]I don’t get it. Is that a joke? 开玩笑?
  [04:23.16]No, Lars, it’s not a joke. 不是开玩笑,我觉得失魂落魄
  [04:26.84]It’s the wedding plans and the tour and my patients. 婚礼、巡回演出、我的病人
  [04:30.20]It’s just a bit too much to deal with. 我应付不虾
  [04:32.04]Okay, Sara, look. We’re leaving for Toronto in the morning, 早上我们就要去多伦多
  [04:36.04]- so don’t fall apart on me now. - I know, I know, I know. 不要崩溃
  [04:40.60]And that’s why I think I need a little break. 明白,所以我想分开一下

  [04:43.24]What do you mean, a little break? 分开?
  [04:45.52]I just mean a weekend away to recharge my batteries and clear my head.
  [04:51.40]Hey, this has nothing to do with the other night. 不是因为你更改蜜月行程
  [04:52.20]I just need this. I need it for me. 而是因为我自己有这个需要
  [04:56.80]But I won’t go unless you say it’s okay. 不过,你同意我才走开
  [05:00.80]- It’s okay. - Thank you. 我同意
