听电影学英语-缘分天注定 15(在线收听

  [00:27.00]You know me. I love a good wedding. 是,我最喜欢饮喜酒
  [00:28.40]- So have you talked to Lars? - Yeah. 你跟拉斯讲过?
  [00:32.96]We spoke this morning before he left. 讲过,他今早走了
  [00:35.48]I think he’s gonna be okay. At least I hope so. 似乎受得了,希望他没事吧
  [00:38.60]Of course he’s gonna be okay, and you’re gonna be okay too. 当然没事,你也会没事
  [00:42.88]Oh, you know what? There’s a lady glaring at me. 要收线了
  [00:45.40]I don’t think I’m supposed to be on the phone. Can I call you when I get home? 现在不方便谈,回家再打给你
  [00:50.16]Have a safe flight, okay? 祝你顺风
  [00:51.52]- Lots of love. Bye. - Headsets? 拜拜
  [00:54.84]- Yes, I will. - $3.00, please. 租听筒吗?  好
  [00:59.48]What the hell is this? 什么傢伙?
  [00:61.00]Something the matter? 什么回事?
  [00:61.88]Yes. I think I’ve mixed up my wallet with my friend’s. 我跟朋友调换了银包
  [00:67.60]Yes, I have. See? Prado. 的确调换了,看到吗?PRADO
  [00:69.12]Oh. Well, is there any money in it?
  [00:70.72]I’ll have a look. 里面有没有钱?
  [00:76.28]Yes, there is. Thank you. 有啊,谢谢
  [01:33.72]Two ones... and a five. 两块…

  [01:39.48]- Thank you very much, sir. - Thank you. 还有五块,十分谢谢
  [01:41.00]- Uh, sorry. Excuse me. - That’s this gentleman’s change. 对不起,不好意思
  [01:43.88]- Jonathan. Jonathan. - Excuse me. I just-- 这是那位先生的找赎
  [01:48.48]Sorry. You know what? I’m going to-- 庄纳顿,对不起,我要…
  [01:51.92]Thank you. Excuse me. Sorry. Whoo! I’m sorry! 谢谢,对不起
  [01:55.84]Hi. Yeah. It’s in New York City. 对,是纽约市
  [01:58.96]I need the address of a Jonathan Trager. 我想找庄纳顿.卓加的地址
  [01:60.24]Yeah. T-R-A-G-E-R. 卓加
  [01:65.40]34 Charles Street? Thank you. 查理街34号,谢谢
  [01:69.80]34 Charles Street.
  [01:79.36]Hi. I’m looking for a Jonathan Trager. Is this his building? 贵干?
  [01:83.84]- You must be late. - Late for what? 你必定赶不及  赶不及什么?
  [02:27.92]The wedding. Waldorf-Astoria. 婚礼,华都酒店
  [02:31.04]- He’s getting married? - Might be already. 他去了结婚?
  [02:35.84]- Wait! Hey, wait! Wait! Excuse me! - ( Tires Screech ) 等一等!
  [02:42.40]Sorry. Can you take me to the Waldorf-Astoria as fast as you can go, please? 对不起,华都酒店
  [02:50.56]Can you see what it is? 为什么塞车?
  [02:66.52]Oh! Sorry. Sorry! 对不起
  [02:74.36]Oh. Oh, please, God, no. 不要,求求你
  [02:81.92]- Stop! - Stop? 停止!
  [02:84.16]Is it over? 停止?
  [03:27.20]Oh, yeah. It’s over, all right. 婚礼?

  [03:39.64]But don抰 worry. 不要担心
  [03:41.32]You’ll get your present back. 会退回礼物给你
  [03:46.24]- Excuse me? - They always return the presents. 什么?
  [03:50.76]You asked if it was over. 你问是不是完了
  [03:53.12]The truth is, it never even began. 实情是,连开始也没有开始
  [03:54.52]- What? - Yeah. He called the whole thing off this morning. 什么?
  [03:64.24]He called it off? 他取消?
  [03:72.52]That’s terrible. 太糟糕
  [03:76.32]Were you a friend of the bride? 你是男家亲友,抑或…
  [03:81.44]Or the groom? 女家的亲朋?
  [03:82.52](Bell Tolling)
  [04:29.20]- What’s up with this weather? - What happened to spring? 天气突然转冷  春天姗姗来迟
  [04:33.60]- So, what kind of pep talk do you want? - What do you got? 你想我怎样为你打气?
  [04:39.68]Well, I’ve got the inspirational "You can achieve anything you dream about." 你有什么话可以说?
  [04:42.72]It’s very popular, but not appropriate for this. 还有:“大丈夫何患无妻”
  [04:44.72]Of course, there’s the "Don’t worry, there’s more fish in the sea" pap.
  [04:46.96]- No. - Uh, we can always fall back on the classic... 没有用
  [04:51.08]"When God shuts a door, he opens a window." “塞翁失马,焉知非福”
  [04:56.72]How about telling me I did the right thing? 不如说:我婚礼取消得正确
  [04:59.36]I don’t have to tell you. 我不用说
  [04:60.00]I wrote it. 已经写了下来
  [04:62.48]- What’s this? - It’s your obituary. 什么东西?  你的讣闻
  [04:64.48]- Nice. - Turns out I had writer’s block... 认真利是
  [04:69.68]penning your best man speech, and that’s what ended up coming out. 我本来打算写篇伴郞贺词…
  [04:71.72]Blame it on the day job. 一落笔却写成讣闻
  [04:76.20]- Twenty, right? - Thanks. 二十块?
  [04:79.32]- You going to see Courtney? - Absolutely. 你去见郭妮?
  [04:83.80]I needed this. 你启发了我
