听电影学英语-贫民窟的百万富翁 11(在线收听

  [00:01.90]As a matter of fact, you have... 你的累积奖金是…
  [00:05.50]one million rupees! 一百万卢比
  [00:12.62]Explain the hundred dollar bill. 解释百元美钞的事
  [00:18.78]Bombay had turned into Mumbai. 孟买改名了
  [00:23.26]Why can’t you understand? 你为什么就是不懂?
  [00:27.26]l’m sick of this now. 我受够了
  [01:16.82]She used to come here, 她常来这里
  [01:21.62]She lived just ahead of here, do you know her? 以前就住附近,你认识她吗?
  [01:24.58]Haven’t heard of her. 没听过
  [01:34.94]Two chicken burgers, two fries, 两份鸡肉汉堡、两份薯条
  [01:36.14]one mango lassi, one Coke. 一份芒果酸奶昔、一杯可乐
  [01:36.50]One mineral water. 一瓶矿泉水
  [01:41.98]Shimla. 西姆拉的!
  [01:44.94]l’m going to Chowpatty, okay? Wanna come? 我要去秋帕逖海滩,要不要去?
  [01:52.14]For God’s sake. You’ve got some disease. 拜托!你走火入魔了啦
  [01:55.90]You forced me back to this shithole. 你逼我回这个鸟地方
  [01:55.98]We leave our friends, 丢下了以前的朋友
  [01:58.70]a good life, loads of money... 放弃好日子和大把钞票
  [02:02.10]for this? 就是为了这个?
  [02:02.58]You did. 那是你
  [02:02.86]We came back to find her. 我们是回来找她的
  [02:03.86]l don’t give a shit about her. 我才懒得管她
  [02:07.86]Plenty of pussy in Bombay for Salim. 萨林要美女在孟买多得是
  [02:10.50]Oh, yes, sir. 对啊
  [02:12.82]You should come back to the cages on Saturday night... 你礼拜六晚上到红灯区看看
  [02:15.58]instead of going searching for your lost love. 不要再找以前的小情人了
  [02:18.26]l’m going to Chowpatty. 我要去秋帕逖
  [02:20.78]’’l’m going to Chowpatty.’’ 我要去秋帕逖
  [02:24.22]There are 19 million people in this city, Jamal. 这个城市有1900万人
  [02:28.34]Forget about her. 忘了她吧
  [02:30.70]She’s history. 那是过去的事了
  [03:08.10]Dollars? 美钞?
  [03:08.74]100. 一百元
  [03:30.62]Benjamin Franklin. 班哲明富兰克林
  [03:45.38]l’m sorry, Arvind. 对不起,亚文
  [04:13.50]Thanks. 谢谢
  [05:04.36] 我会在你的葬礼上唱歌
  [05:33.16]Where can l find Cherry? 雪莉在哪里?
  [05:36.68]You want Cherry, do you? Ok, well, let’s send you in then. 你要找雪莉?好,我带你去
