听电影学英语-阿甘正传 15(在线收听

  [00:03.65]I’m glad we were here together in our nation’s capital. 我们一起在首都使我很高兴
  [00:09.32]Me, too, Forrest. 我也是,弗勒斯!
  [00:11.24]We walked around all night, Jenny and me, 我们走了一整夜
  [00:14.16]just talkin’.
  [00:16.87]She told me about all the traveling she’d done 她把她走过的地方都说给我听
  [00:21.71]and how she discovered ways to expand her mind 谈她如何学会扩阔思想
  [00:25.59]and learn how to live in harmony... 如何学会和谐共存
  [00:27.50]which must be out west somewhere, 那一定是在西部
  [00:29.38]’cause she made it all the way to California. 因为她一直西行去加州
  [00:32.38]# Love one another right now ##
  [00:34.42]Hey .
  [00:36.42]Anybody want to go to San Francisco? 有人要去旧金山吗?
  [00:39.90]I’ll go. 我去!
  [00:40.02]Far out! 太棒了!
  [00:42.62]It was a very special night 那一夜我们很特别
  [00:43.66]for the two of us.
  [00:48.26]I didn’t want it to end. 我不想结束!
  [00:51.66]Wish you wouldn’t go,Jenny . 我希望你不要走!珍妮!
  [00:55.22]I have to, Forrest. 我非走不可!
  [00:58.22]Jenny ? 珍妮?
  [01:00.30]Things got a little out of hand. 事情有一点失控
  [01:02.26]It’s just this war 只是因为越战及詹森欺骗人
  [01:02.94]and that lying son of a bitch Johnson and--
  [01:07.62]I would never hurt you. You know that. 我决不会伤害你,你明白
  [01:15.30]Know what I think? 可知我的想法?
  [01:18.90]you should go home to Greenbow ,
  [01:21.34]Alabama! 阿拉巴马!
  [01:33.38]Forrest, 我们的生活方式差异太大
  [01:37.38]we have very different lives, you know .
  [01:47.42]I want you... 我要你收下!
  [01:49.42]to have this.
  [01:55.18]Forrest, I can’t keep this. 我不能收!
  [01:59.22]I got it... 我是照你的话做才得到它
  [02:02.22]just by doing what you told me to do.
  [02:07.22]Why are you so good to me? 你为何对我那么好?
  [02:08.58]You’re my girl. 你是我的马子!
  [02:12.46]I’ll always be your girl. 我永远做你的马子
  [02:38.98]# To everything, turn, turn, turn #
  [02:44.10]# There is a season, turn, turn, turn #
  [02:47.42]# And a time to every purpose #
  [02:50.74]# Under heaven ##
  [02:54.58]And just like that, 就这样她走了!
  [02:57.18]she was gone out of my life again. 再度离开我的人生
  [03:01.86]That’s one small step for man, 这是人的一小步…
  [03:06.22]one giant leap for mankind. 人类的一大步
  [03:15.26]I thought I was going back to Vietnam, 我本以为要回越南
  [03:18.26]the best way for me to fight the Communists
  [03:21.26]was to play Ping-Pong, 于是我进了康乐队走遍全国
  [03:24.26]so I was in the special Services,
  [03:26.30]traveling around the country,
  [03:26.94]cheering up wounded veterans and showing’em 慰劳退伍伤兵,教他们打乒乓
  [03:28.78]how to play Ping-Pong. 我打得太好以至于几年后…
  [03:32.30]I was so good that some years later, 军方要我加入美国乒乓代表队

  [03:35.46]the army decided I should be
  [03:37.26]We were the first Americans to visit the land of China 有一百万年没来往了
  [03:37.34]on the all-American Ping-Pong team. 我们是第一批访问大陆的老美
  [03:41.62]in a million years or something. 有人说世界和平操在我们手中
  [03:42.50]Somebody said world peace was in our hands, 然而我只是打乒乓球
  [03:45.50]but all I did was play Ping-Pong. 回国之后我成了全国名人
  [03:50.58]When I got home, I was a national celebrity ,
  [03:53.34]famouser even than Captain Kangaroo. 比儿童节目主持人更出名
  [03:55.86]Here he is, Forrest Gump. 他来了,弗勒斯甘,在这里
  [03:57.90]Right here.
  [04:02.70]Gump, have a seat. 甘先生,请坐!
  [04:05.86]Forrest Gump, John Lennon. 弗勒斯甘…约翰蓝农
  [04:11.18]Welcome home. -欢迎你回国! -你走这一趟了不起
  [04:13.22]Can you tell us, um, 大陆是什么样子?
  [04:15.22]what was China like ?
  [04:18.70]In the land of China... 在中国大陆人民几乎一无所有
  [04:21.26]people hardly got nothin’at all.
  [04:23.26]No possessions? 没有财产吗?
  [04:26.82]And in China, they never go to church. 大陆的人从来不上教堂
  [04:36.30]Hard to imagine. 真难以想像
  [04:36.98]Well, it’s easy if you try, Dick. 其实很容易,只要你尝试
  [04:41.34]Some years later, 若干年之后,那个英国青年
  [04:44.34]that nice young man from England 回家去看儿子途中 在签名的时候
  [04:46.34]was on his way home to see his little boy
  [04:46.50]and was signing some autographs.
  [04:51.34]For no particular reason at all, 有人无缘无故枪杀了他
  [04:53.10]Somebody shot him.
  [04:58.14]They gave you... 他们颁国会勋章给你
  [05:00.14]the congressional Medal of Honor.
