听电影学英语-27宜嫁 09(在线收听

  [00:04.22]Oh, hey. Guys, guys! Hold it. She's not the one. She's not the one. 等等,不是她
  [00:05.18]Hey: Jane:
  [00:10.58]I'm so sorry. I should've called, but you forgot your wallet. 对不起,该打给你
  [00:14.94]Oh. Well, thanks.
  [00:20.90]Sorry I'm late. 对不起,迟了
  [00:21.62]Hey, guys. Now, now. 现在,来吧
  [00:24.58](Breathing Heavily) Jane, what's going on?
  [00:33.46](Whistles) Come here, boy.
  [00:36.42]Golly. Here you go.
  [00:42.66]- Oh! - Hey, Tess.
  [00:45.78]- Sorry. - Um-
  [00:48.74]Will you do me a favor? Sit down a second. 你不如坐下来
  [01:03.18]And they were married for 42 years: 他们结婚42年了
  [01:04.98]And I've been waiting my whole life to feel the way my dad felt about my mom. 我一直期待找到像他们那份爱
  [01:08.14]And maybe I've been too busy trying to make something of myself: : 由于忙于成就事业
  [01:12.90]- But, I think l: : : - Oh! 错失很多良机
  [01:13.78]Missed some of those moments: 遇上你,我知道我们注定在一起
  [01:16.46]- But, Tess, the second that I saw you: : : - Okay.
  [01:18.86]I knew that we could be great together:
  [01:23.06]So, um-
  [01:24.86]- (Gasps) - Tess, will you marry me?
  [01:28.42]Yes, of course I will. 好,非常好
  [01:30.58](Sighs) George.
  [01:43.70]So, wait. Does this mean that you're moving back here? 即是说你搬回来?
  [01:44.14]Yup. 是
  [01:46.62]Whoa. Well, l- I don't know what to say. You giveJane a job... 我无话可说
  [01:49.66]then you get Tessie to move back home: 你给珍工作,又令蒂莎搬回来
  [01:54.98]George, you're my hero. I mean it. 你是我的英雄
  [01:57.46]Oh, thank you. You have a couple of pretty great girls here. 过奖,你两个女儿都令人惊叹
  [02:01.70]Wait. Just a second. I wanna get somethin'. Don't go anywhere. 等会儿,我去拿东西,别走开
  [02:04.30](Laughs, Indistinct) 不知他去哪
  [02:06.58](Laughs) Who isn't? 谁会不开心?
  [02:09.06]I'm so excited that we did this today: 我们今天来对了
  [02:11.98]- He's so happy: - Tess: 我爸好开心
  [02:15.94](Gasps) Daddy! 蒂莎
  [02:17.70]- Your mother would've wanted you to have it. - Daddy, thank you! 爹地
  [02:20.50]Okay: 多谢你,爹地
  [02:22.66]- Thank you: - Okay. 谢谢
  [02:28.06]- Jane, you don't mind, right? - No. No. - 不介意吧? - 不
  [02:32.14]- You can have it after me. - No. That's good. It's right. Mom would've wanted that. 我穿完之后给你
  [02:33.82]- Yeah. Mom would've wanted that. - That's myJane. 妈一定很想
  [02:37.98]Okay. Yeah. That's right. 乖女
  [02:40.66]It was my mother's. 我妈妈的
  [02:43.74]- Isn't that amazing? - That's beautiful. 漂亮吧?
  [02:46.74]Dad, I don't even know what to say. 很漂亮啊,荷尔
  [02:52.82]Uh, so I'm just trying to figure out why you decided to meet with me: 为何终于肯见我?
  [02:53.62]You've been ducking me and then, all of a sudden- 你一直避开,突然…
  [02:55.90]My little sister's getting married. 我妹妹结婚了
  [03:00.46]- Ah, before you. - That's not what I'm upset about. - 在你之前? - 不是为这个
  [03:03.26]Then what are you upset about? 那是为什么?
  [03:05.02](Groans) You don't know Tess. She's gonna want me to do everything. 蒂莎很会差使人
  [03:08.10]I'm not gonna just be her maid of honor. 不单做伴娘,还要包办一切
  [03:10.22]I'm gonna be taking care of everything.
  [03:12.58]- So why don't you just say, "No"? - What? 何不拒绝?
  [03:16.18]Say, "No." - 什么? - 拒绝
  [03:17.06]- You have said, "No," to people before? - Yes. Of course. 你试过拒绝人的吧?
  [03:21.34]Many, many times. In this situation, never. Not once.
  [03:25.90]Ah, but you want to say, "No." 没有,一次都没有
  [03:27.82](Laughs) But I can't. It's my sister. 但不能,是我妹妹
  [03:30.90]But you can say, "No." Because it's your sister- 正因为是妹妹才可以
  [03:32.98]All right. You know what we're gonna do? We're gonna practice. 你要学习一下拒绝别人
  [03:35.62]All right? We're gonna practice saying, "No." You think I'm kidding?

  [03:39.74]Turn around. We're gonna play this game. Come on. Humor me. 来,我们玩个游戏
  [03:45.02]- No! - Jane, it's 50 bucks. I'll pay you back. 不
  [03:47.06]No. 不
  [03:50.98]Jane, I need you...
  [03:53.74]to give me 50 bucks. 我要你给我50元
  [03:57.62]No? 不?
  [04:03.22]Eh, not bad. 多好
  [04:03.30]- Can I have your drink? - Sure. - 可以饮你杯酒吗? - 好的
  [04:06.66]- No! - (Groans) 说,不
  [04:08.66]- Oh, no. - You were doing so well. 你本来做得很好
  [04:11.34]- That's terrible. - Mm-hmm. 很难喝
  [04:15.10]- So you went by the flower shop and ordered the favors? - Yup: - 你去过花店? - 是
  [04:19.42]- Uh-huh. - What about the invitation mock-ups? 订了花?
  [04:20.86](Sighs) 真好玩
  [04:21.46]- Done. - This is so much fun! - 喜帖稿呢? - 搞定
  [04:22.86]Did I tell you I asked Julie to be one of the bridesmaids? 我叫了茱莉做伴娘
  [04:26.74]- Who? - Cousin Julie. Second cousin twice removed. 谁?茱莉表姐
  [04:29.74](Sighs) 姨妈的女儿
  [04:30.70]- What about Mimi? Cousin Mimi? - Oh, no way. 美美表妹呢?
  [04:33.78]She's so pregnant. It'll just throw off the aesthetics. 不行,她大肚子了,有碍观瞻
  [04:36.58]I'm sorry. I know you don't loveJulie. 我知道你不喜欢茱莉
  [04:40.46]What's not to love about a woman who asked me if I chaired... 怎可能喜欢?
  [04:41.86]the Itty Bitty Titty Committee all through my teen years? 她叫我做飞机场会主席
  [04:44.62]Just don't listen to her. Your boobs came in eventually. They just missed high school. 别听她
  [04:50.78]As for the third bridesmaid, I want you to ask your friend... 我想请你那位可恶的朋友
  [04:52.02]- that really rude one. - Casey? 杰西?
  [04:54.46]- Yeah. Yeah, yeah. - My Casey? 我的杰西?
  [04:55.58]She's really pretty. She can pull off the strapless. 她漂亮,露的很靓
  [04:59.06]I don't have that many girlfriends. For some reason, girls just don't like me. 我没太多女友
