听电影学英语-变形金刚 27(在线收听

  [00:08.24]Target marked. Still waiting. 目标锁定,等待攻击
  [00:08.92]Time on target, 20 seconds. 20秒后到达目标
  [00:17.84]F-22s, we're still waiting. 战机还在等
  [00:26.20]Move out! 快走!
  [00:29.88]Incoming! 敌人来袭!
  [00:39.00]Weapons armed. Status green. 启动飞弹
  [01:02.00]Run! Move! 快走!
  [01:09.36]Second wave's on approach. 第二梯次战机正赶来
  [01:14.52]What is that? Break off! 那是什么?散开!
  [01:18.32]- Copy. - It's either a massive amount of... 那玩意好巨大
  [01:27.16]Two, get a lock! Pop that guy! 二号,把他炸掉
  [01:34.12]Stay on him. Keep him in your sights. 盯着它,继续瞄准他
  [01:38.00]Take him out! 把他除掉吧
  [01:52.08]Two's down! 2号中弹!
  [02:02.16]I'll kill you! 我要杀了你
  [02:04.32]Mine! All Spark! 火种源是我的
  [02:10.28]Sam! Put the Cube in my chest! Now! 山姆,把方块放进我胸口
  [02:12.56]Sam! 山姆!
  [02:14.16]No, Sam! 不,山姆!
  [02:41.28]Hold up. 站住
  [02:46.36]You left me no choice, brother. 你让我别无选择,兄弟
  [02:57.68]Sam, I owe you my life. 山姆,我欠你一命
  [03:01.68]We are in your debt. 我们都欠你一命
  [03:23.72]Prime, we couldn't save him. 我们救不了他
  [03:27.80]Jazz. 爵士...
  [03:30.80]We lost a great comrade 我们失去一位好战友
  [03:35.96]but gained new ones. 但是得到新的朋友
  [03:38.48]Thank you, all of you. 谢谢你们
  [03:40.04]You honor us with your bravery. 我们很钦佩你们的勇气
  [03:44.64]Permission to speak, sir? 请准许我发言
  [03:45.52]Permission granted, old friend. 请示获准,老朋友
  [03:48.40]You speak now? 你会说话了?
  [03:52.00]I wish to stay with the boy. 我希望留在男孩的身边
  [03:54.88]If that is his choice. 如果他愿意的话
  [04:01.00]Yes. 我愿意
  [04:21.72]Gentlemen, the President has ordered Sector Seven be terminated 总统下令中止第七区计划
  [04:27.84]and the remains of the dead aliens disposed of. 死去的变形金刚也将埋在...
  [04:30.52]The Laurentian Abyss is seven miles below sea level, 海底七英哩的劳伦森海沟
  [04:35.12]deepest place on our planet. 地球最深的地方...
  [04:38.48]The massive depth and pressure there, coupled with subfreezing temperatures, 那里的深度和水压 加上零度以下的温度
  [04:41.00]would crush and entomb them, 将完全销毁它们
  [04:45.04]leaving no evidence. 不会留下任何证据
  [04:54.52]With the All Spark gone, we cannot return life to our planet. 失去了火种源 就无法使我们的星球复活
  [04:58.08]And fate has yielded its reward, 但是命运早有安排
