听电影学英语-变形金刚 28(在线收听

  [00:02.64]a new world to call home. 让我们找到一个新家园
  [00:12.32]We live among its people now, hiding in plain sight, 我们和人类一起生活
  [00:17.68]but watching over them in secret, 藏身在人类世界里
  [00:20.68]waiting, protecting. 偷偷地看着他们,等待并保护他们
  [00:24.60]I have witnessed their capacity for courage. 我见识到他们的勇气
  [00:27.12]And though we are worlds apart, 虽然我们有极大的不同
  [00:30.56]like us, there's more to them than meets the eye. 但是他们跟我们一样 眼见不一定为凭
  [00:38.44]I am Optimus Prime 我是擎天柱
  [00:41.04]and I send this message to any surviving Autobots 我把这个信息传递给藏身在...
  [00:42.92]taking refuge among the stars. 各个星球的博派变形金刚
  [00:47.08]We are here. 我们在这里...
  [00:50.28]We are waiting. 我们在等待...
  [01:12.56]Can you shed any light on the recent, so-called alien activity in the area? 请你们谈谈最近的外星人活动
  [01:20.72]Do you know what? I think that if there was some sort of an alien - infestation... - Yeah. 老实说...如果地球真的有外星人存在
  [01:27.24]They, the government, would be the first to let you know. The government would let us know. 政府一定会告诉我们
  [01:32.72]- I mean, this is America. - Yeah. 这是美国耶
  [01:33.52]You know, that's how we know we live in a free land, 自由之土
  [01:37.68]because there's no secrets. 没有任何秘密
  [01:38.60]They'd say, "Hey! Duck and cover." 出了事一定会叫我们躲起来
  [01:51.20]Your head is kind of a different size than it is on television. 你本人比在电视上大很多耶
