ESL Podcast 669 – Making Controversial Comments(在线收听

  Vivian: That news commentator should be fired for making such inflammatory comments. At least I won’t watch this show again until she is.
  William: As usual, you’re making a mountain out of a molehill. She was just expressing her opinion, albeit a controversial one.
  Vivian: Her opinion is offensive. Mark my words: Before the end of the week, a lot of people will be up in arms calling for her head on a platter.
  William: I doubt it. It’ll all blow over. It’s just a tempest in a teapot.
  Vivian: No way. She’ll never get away with it.
  William: Oh, yeah?
  Vivian: Yeah.
  William: Do you want to make a bet?
  Vivian: Sure, I’ll take that bet. What does the winner get?
  William: Just the pleasure of seeing the other person eat her words.
  Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
