听电影学英语-杯酒人生 05(在线收听

  [00:02.02]This would just provide some stability. 不,不可能,这只是让生活稳定点
  [00:04.38]I could always squeeze in a commercial or an audition here, there. 我总是可以挤进个广告或是试镜
  [00:07.30]Keep myself in the game in case something really great came along. 让自己能持续在业界 看看有什么更好的机会
  [00:10.34]We're not getting any younger, Miles. 但是我们都不再年轻了
  [00:12.34]No. No. 对…
  [00:19.82]- Hey, hey, hey.! - Hey. -你好 -你好
  [00:21.82]- Miles! - Sir. -麦斯,好久不见 -非常高兴看到你
  [00:23.86]- Long time no see. - Gary, nice to see you.
  [00:27.86]- When's your novel coming out? We all wanna read it. - Soon, soon, soon. -你的书什么时候要出版? -快了…
  [00:30.86]This is my buddyJack. He's getting married next week. 这是我的哥们儿,杰克 他要结婚了
  [00:33.86]- My condolences, man. - What are you pouring tonight? -节哀顺变,伙伴 -你有什么酒?
  [00:34.90]- Uh, we have got a lot of good stuff. - Mm-hmm? 我们有很多好东西
  [00:37.90]Ah, we have the, uh, new Bien Nacido. You want a taste? 有新的匾那西朵,想喝喝看吗?
  [00:40.90](Laughs) Absolument.
  [00:42.94]They make their own wine here. It's just outstanding. 这里生产自己的酒 非常突出,非常特别
  [00:45.94]Very special. Thank you.
  [00:56.22]- Mmm. - So, what do you think? 你觉得如何?
  [01:00.38]Tighter than a nun's asshole. But good concentration. Nice fruit. 比修女的臀部还紧
  [01:04.38]Pour us a couple, will ya. 帮我们倒两杯,好吗?
  [01:05.26]Yeah. It's tight. 是非常的浓
  [01:09.50]There you are, gentlemen. 请慢喝,绅士们
  [01:11.50]I will leave you the bottle. And it is good to see you. 我把这瓶留给你们 很高兴再见到你
  [01:16.74]Hey, man. Here's to my last week of freedom. 兄弟
  [01:21.46]It's gonna be great. 这周将会非常棒
  [01:23.46]Here's to us. 敬我们
  [01:36.54]Oh. Yeah. That's Maya. 那是犸雅
  [01:38.34]- You know her? - Sure, I know Maya. -你认识她? -我当然认识犸雅
  [01:41.34]- You know that chick? - Yes. Jack, this is where I eat when I come up here. -你认识那个小妞? -对啊
  [01:42.94]我每次来都会在这吃饭 这里就像我的办公室一样
  [01:44.18]You know? It's practically my office.
  [01:47.38]And occasionally I have a drink with the employees, yeah. 有时候我会和工作人员喝个小酒
  [01:50.38]Maya's great. She's worked here a year, year and a half. 犸雅人非常好 她在这里工作已经有一年多了
  [01:54.42]She's incredibly hot. -她非常的辣 -没错
  [01:56.42]Yes, she is. And nice. And married. 而且人很好,也结婚了 看看她的戒指
  [01:59.90]Check out the rock.
  [02:01.90]Oh, that doesn't mean shit. 那个一点意义都没有
  [02:03.90]When Christine worked at Sushi Roku... 克莉丝汀戴着一枚婚戒 只是想甩掉苍蝇
  [02:05.90]she wore a big engagement ring to keep guys from hitting on her.
  [02:08.26]Think it worked? Fuck no. How do you think I met her? 你觉得有用吗?不 不然我和她是怎么在一起的
  [02:11.26]Well, this gal is married to some philosophy professor at U.C. Santa Barbara. 她先生是加州大学 圣巴巴拉分校的哲学系教授
  [02:16.30]What's a professor's wife doing waitressing? Obviously that's over. 教授太太怎么会当服务生 显然他们已经玩完了
  [02:18.02]Jack, you don't know anything about this woman. 杰克,你对这个女人一点都不了解
  [02:21.06]Calm down. Let's just eat. 镇定点,我们只是来吃东西的
  [02:29.14]- Hey, Miles! - Oh! Hi, Maya. -麦斯 -犸雅
  [02:31.22]- How are you? - I'm good. Good. 你好吗?
  [02:34.22]You look great. Did you lose some weight? 你看起来不错,你瘦了吗?
  [02:37.30]Uh... no, actually. 不,其实没有,但是谢谢你 今晚很忙碌,是吗?
  [02:38.98]But... thank you. (Chuckles)
  [02:40.58]- Busy night, huh? - Sunday.
  [02:44.86]You guys been out tasting? 星期日
  [02:46.86]Oh, you know it. You know it. -你们去品酒了吗? -是的…
  [02:49.78]- Hiya. - Hi. -你好 -你好
  [02:49.94]Oh, this is my friend, Jack. Jack, Maya. 这是我的朋友杰克 杰克,这是犸雅
  [02:51.78]Well, it's good to see you. Bye, Miles. 很高兴见到你
  [02:56.58]Oh. Back to work. -再见,麦斯 -回去工作了
  [03:00.26]- Jesus, she is jammin'. - Yeah. 老天爷,她太赞了
  [03:03.26]And she's obviously into you. 很明显的,她喜欢你
  [03:05.30]What else do you know about her? 你还知道她什么?
  [03:07.30]Well, she does know a lot about wine. 她很懂葡萄酒
  [03:11.26]Ah. Now we're getting somewhere. 总算有进展了
  [03:14.38]- She likes pinot. - Perfect! -她喜欢皮诺 -太完美了
  [03:17.38]She's a fucking waitress in Buellton, Jack. 她是个布尔顿的服务生,杰克
  [03:18.66]How is that ever gonna work out? 这样怎么可能有进展?
  [03:20.70]You dick. Why do you have to focus on the negative? 为什么你总是专注于负面?
  [03:24.30]- See how friendly she was to you? - She works for tips. -你看她对你多友善 -她是靠小费生活的
  [03:28.46]You're blind, dude. Blind. 你瞎了,兄弟,瞎了
  [03:30.46]I can also recommend the ostrich steak. Very lean. Locally raised. 我也建议你吃鸵鸟排,非常清淡 当地养殖的
  [03:39.14]Hey, Gary. 盖瑞
  [03:41.18]- Highliner, please. - You got it. -麻烦海兰诺红酒 -马上来
  [03:43.18]- That's on us. - Yes, indeed. -我们请你 -你们好
  [03:45.18]Well, hey, guys. Do you mind? -你们介意我抽烟吗? -不…
  [03:47.18]- Oh, no, no, no. - You sure? -确定吗? -请抽
  [03:49.18]Please. Light up, light up.
  [03:54.90]In fact, would you like to join us? 你想不想坐过来?
  [04:00.82]Sure. 当然
  [04:05.14]- (Clears Throat) - So, how's that book coming, Miles? 你的书写的怎么样了?麦斯
  [04:09.14]I think you were almost finished with it the last time we talked. 我们上次聊天的时候 你说快写完了
  [04:12.14]- I finished it. - Good for you! Wow. 我写完了
  [04:14.90]It's getting published. 要出版了
  [04:16.90]That's, uh, actually why we're up here celebrating. 那就是我们北上庆祝的原因
  [04:21.54]Well, congratulations. 恭喜,那实在太棒了
  [04:22.94]- That's fantastic! - Yeah. -干杯 -谢谢
  [04:24.94]- Cheers. - Thanks.
  [04:28.62]Are you a writer too? 你也是个作家吗?
  [04:30.62]No, Maya, I'm an actor. 不,犸雅,我是个演员
  [04:32.62]Really. What kind of stuff? 真的吗?演什么样的东西?
  [04:33.66]Mmm, a lot of TV. 很多电视 我是几个连续剧的固定演员
  [04:35.66]I used to be a regular on a couple of series.
  [04:40.66]But lately it's been a lot of commercial work. Nationals, mostly. 最近我做得比较多的是广告工作
  [04:44.34]Anything I might know? 有什么是我知道的?
  [04:46.34]Perhaps. Do you recognize this? 也许有,你听得出来这个吗?
  [04:51.02]Now with a low, low 5.8% A.P.R. Financing! 最低的百分之五点八的 借款利息
  [04:53.66](Laughing) That's hilarious! 好好笑,你听起来好像广告中的人
  [04:55.66]- You sound just like one of those guys. - Am one of those guys.
  [04:58.66]- You are not. - He is. -我就是 -你不是
  [05:00.70]Consult your doctor before using this product. 使用前请与您的医生讨论 副作用包括出油…
