[00:17.84]来吧, 小宝贝 朋友们在等呢
[00:28.96]- Trick or treat. - Hi. - 不请客就捣乱 - 没问题
[00:31.08]Maybe it's because, in life... 或者是因为, 在我生命里...
[00:32.32]...as much as you want the nougat and caramel deliciousness of candy... 就像我渴望吃到奶油杏仁糖
[00:35.00]Oh, hold on. 噢, 来吧
[00:38.92]...sometimes, you get stuck with the apple. 有时候得到的却是苹果
[00:40.20]But your wedding day will be perfect. 但我的婚礼会是完美的
[00:42.56]And the dream of that perfection sustains you... 那些完美的梦想支撑着我
[00:46.84]...through all of the crappy Halloweens life tosses your way. 不觉得万圣节前夜无聊
[00:51.44]All women, no matter how enlightened... 所有女人, 无论文化高低
[00:55.32]...know exactly what their day will look like. 都会准确的知道 那天将会怎样过
[01:00.80]And while looking back at what I once saw as romance... 想起20岁时所看到的
[01:02.64]...might make me shake my head... 令人陶醉的浪漫一刻
[01:03.76]...by my 20s, I knew just what I wanted: 就知道自己所需要的是:
[01:08.72]A church wedding... 教堂里的婚礼
[01:09.12]...and an outdoor reception that would make the cover of Town & Country. 还有举国上下的欢庆
[01:13.28]All that was left was one tiny detail: The groom. 现在只差一点点就可以实现梦想: 找到我的新郎
[01:17.44]I dated a lot, and I mean a lot. 我经常约会, 没错是经常
[01:21.32]Not in a slutty way... 但我没有滥交
[01:24.44]...but in an if-you-want-prince-charming- he's-not-gonna-find-you... 只是...要想得到王子的青睐
[01:27.92]...you're-gonna-find-him kind of way. 也要找到王子才行啊
[01:35.16]That's my floor. Sorry. Good morning. 我到了, 对不起 早上好
[01:38.96]Yes, the offices of Barrett & Sussman Advertising... 这就是Barrett & Sussman 广告公司的办公室
[01:44.32]...the brain trust behind catchy jingles, fun slogans... 那些易记的顺口溜、滑稽的标语...
[01:46.68]...and those TV ads you don't want to flip by. 还有人们离不开的电视广告 都是从这里出来的
[01:50.60]Everything I ever wanted out of a career. 一切都很顺利
[01:51.08]Perfect. 太好了
[01:52.76]Except for one thing: 除了一样:
[01:54.04]Mitchell Stone, head of my account team. Mitchell Stone--我们客户部的组长
[01:59.72]The word "inclusive" was left out of his vocabulary. "宽容"绝对不在他的词汇里面
[02:02.40]But "self-centered" and "egomaniacal"... 但"自我为中心" 和"极端利己"
[02:06.68]...those words he clearly had no problem with. 等词却牢牢记住
[02:08.16]Settle down, people. 各就各位
[02:13.96]Okay. Good news, team. 有个好消息
[02:16.60]Standard thought the idea of a carb-light cereal line was, quote, "inspired." Standard公司认为低热量食品 这主意挺有创意
[02:18.12]They want a third-quarter launch, meaning our job must be done by July. 他们准备在第三季度发行 意味着我们一定要在7月前完工
[02:22.88]A liaison from our team will be working with their new products people immediately. 我们必须尽快给他们的开发人员演示
[02:27.32]Easy choice. The idea was all yours, babe. 简单得很, 这都是你的主意
[02:32.04]- Samantha. - My big break. This is it. - Samantha - 惊喜来了
[02:34.20]- Pass these out. - This isn't it. - 把这些传过去 - 真要命
[02:35.08]Standard is the biggest account our company has been up for in a long time. Standard是我们公司目前最大的客户
[02:41.16]We nail it, we're heroes. 粘住他们, 我们就是英雄
[02:43.76]Therefore, I will be acting as liaison, personally. 因而, 我要亲自演示
[02:43.96]We blow it, all of our asses are on the line. 搞砸了, 我们都得挨骂 我们的屁股是坐在同一阵线上
[02:56.08]I can't believe it. 真难以相信
[02:57.76]Up until a week ago, Stone thought "low carb" had to do with car repair. 一个星期前他还认为 "低热量" 很荒谬
[03:02.16]Someone just needs to set him straight. 一定要教训下他
[03:02.64]What's it gonna take to make him notice me? 是什么让他注意上我的?
[03:08.04]Mr. Stone, hi. 你好, Stone先生
[03:16.76]I should be liaison. 应该由我来演示
[03:20.24]I mean, it was my idea, remember? To appeal to the female demo. 这是我的主意, 记得吗? 适合于女性人群
[03:23.84]That's how I envisioned this entire... 所有一切都是我设计的
[03:26.48]There's no I in "team," Sam. Sam,在团队里面没有"我"这概念
[03:29.68]I know, but look, you've been liaison on everything this year. 我知道, 但是今年所有业务 都是你来演示
[03:33.64]You must be overwhelmed. 你做不了那么多
[03:34.44]And you said it, all of our asses are on the line. 而且你说过: 我们的屁股是坐在同一战线上的
[03:35.32]So make it my ass. 现在该我的屁股坐上去
[03:39.92]It's best for everyone's ass. 最好人人的屁股都有份!
[03:40.52]And if you don't see that, then... 如果你不这样做, 那么...
[03:44.68]Then... 那么...
[03:50.68]Maybe I should rephrase that. 或者我不应该这样说
[03:56.64]I didn't say to insult the man. 我都说不出这话
[04:05.16]Ben, you will not believe what I just did. Ben, 我刚才说了些难以置信的话
[04:10.72]Remember when I said I had to find my prince charming? 记得我说过 我要找到青睐我的王子吗?
[04:13.20]Of course you do. It was, like, two minutes ago. 当然记得了, 两分钟前才说过
[04:16.92]Anyway, I forgot to mention that I found mine: 嗯, 忘记告诉大家我已经找到了:
[04:18.36]Benjamin Rosen. 就是Benjamin Rosen
[04:23.84]I met Ben at Nancy's 30th, two years ago. 两年前我在Nancy30岁 生日宴会上认识Ben
[04:31.60]He seemed so sexy, suave, in control. 他是多么的性感、纯品
[04:37.76]I know, I know. Not exactly a Clooney move. 我知道不完全是求爱表现
[04:40.76]But it didn't even faze him. Because just about everything fazes me. 但是不能说他没注意我 我也是
[04:46.20]It was undeniable sparkage. 不可否认大家都到了发情年龄
[04:48.80]The rib eye does look delicious... 牛腓利看起来不错
[04:50.60]...but I had a big lunch. 但我中午吃得很饱
[04:54.16]Maybe I should just have a salad, something light. 或者我应该吃色拉...清淡点
[04:56.64]Not that I'm food-obsessed. Because I'm not. 我不是只懂追求美食 真的不是
[04:59.28]When you have a heavy lunch, it just settles... 午餐吃得饱饱的, 需要时间消化
[04:59.76]I don't like to eat on first dates either... 我不想在我们的第一次约会上 狼吞虎咽 |