听电影学英语-楚门的世界 08(在线收听

  [00:03.24]there was no backing on it ... 我一看后面竟然有人
  [00:04.48]And the radio starts following me, 在我上班途中,我收听广播
  [00:08.88]talking about everything l'm doing. 电台好像监视我的一举一动
  [00:10.88]- This is one of your fantasies.  -你懂吗? -你是在幻想,我没…
  [00:13.48]- l think this is about my dad. -这跟我爸爸有关 -你爸爸?
  [00:14.16]l think he's alive.  他可能还活着
  [00:18.72]l'll tell you about it later. l'm being followed. 待会再说,我被人跟踪
  [00:23.40]Who? 谁?
  [00:33.72]- Could be. 不晓得,可能是
  [00:36.04]lt's when l'm unpredictable. That's when they can't ... 我若有突然举动,他们就会…
  [00:42.56]Anything happen ..?  -怎么样? -没事
  [00:44.36]We have to get out of here. -我们得离开这里 -我不能走
  [00:47.84]- You ready to go? - l can't. -快点 -我真的不行
  [00:54.88]- You're gonna get us both fired.  我们都会被开除
  [00:55.60]- okay then, let's do it. -好,就这么说定 -什么?
  [00:59.20]Whatever you say, l'm game. -随你高兴 -你在说什么?
  [01:01.08]Your birthday comes but once a year! 生日一年才过一次
  [01:08.40]Maybe l'm being set up for something. 也许有人想陷害我
  [01:12.20]You ever think that 你曾有这种感觉吗?
  [01:13.00]your whole life has been building toward something? 或许你的一生就是个大阴谋
  [01:17.36]No. 没想过
  [01:20.36]When you were hauling chickens,  那年你替超市运鸡肉
  [01:23.64]how far did you get off the island? 最远去过哪里?
  [01:27.40]l went all over. Never found a place like this, though. 到处都去过,还是这里最好
  [01:31.76]Look at that sunset. lt's perfect. 看看日落,太完美了
  [01:36.28]That's the big guy. 上帝的杰作
  [01:38.52]Quite a paintbrush he's got. -简直是鬼斧神工 -没错
  [01:46.48]Just between you and me, Marlon ... 别告诉别人
  [01:50.76]- l'm going away for a while.  我要离开一阵子
  [01:55.24]- Really?. -真的? -真的
  [01:57.84]Litle Angel. 小天使
  [02:07.28]My litle clown ...  我的小宝贝
  [02:10.48]old carrot-top. 像根红萝蔔
  [02:11.24]The best photos ... 好棒的照片
  [02:18.04]- We should be geting you home. 你该回家了
  [02:18.48]- Here's us at Mt. Rushmore. 等等,这是在拉什莫尔山
  [02:23.04]You slept the whole way there. 开了好久的车,你一路睡到底
  [02:23.08]Do you remember, Truman?  那时候你爸爸还在
  [02:27.56]- lt looks so small. 看起来好小
  [02:30.96]- Things do, when you look back. 小时候什么都很大
  [02:32.24]Look, Truman. The happiest day of our lives. 我们一生最快乐的日子
  [02:39.96]- Look! Jean, Jodie, Joanne ...  你看,琴儿、裘蒂、琼安
  [02:43.44]- Doesn't she look beautiful? 她好美
  [02:44.96]Well, she still does. 她还是很美
  [02:46.72]There's room for baby photos.  还有很多空页放婴儿照片
  [02:50.52]l want to hold a grandchild before l go. 希望我死前能抱到孙子
  [02:55.56]No, you stay. Relax. 你待在家,好好休息
  [02:55.76]We really should get you home.  我们真的该送你回去了
  [03:00.76]- Your favourite show is coming on.  你最爱看的节目要开始了
  [03:01.52]- And we have something to discuss. 况且,我们有事要谈
  [03:05.12]- A certain person's birthday. 关于某个人的生日
  [03:05.32]- oh, l see. 原来如此
  [03:09.68]There'll be another ''Lucy'' tomorrow. 明天继续收看“我爱露西”
  [03:14.56]Now it's time for Golden Oldies. 现在播映“老影集精选”
  [03:17.68]Tonight we present the classic; ''Show Me the way to Go Home''. 今晚要送给大家的是“回家”
  [03:21.92]A hymn of praise To small- town life, 描写小镇静的生活
  [03:22.24]You don't have to leave home to discover what the world is about. 不必出门就能知天下事
  [03:26.68]we learn that no one is poor who has friends. 有朋友相伴便不寂寞
  [03:30.76]Full of laughter, love, pain, sadness, 充满欢笑泪水、悲欢离合
  [03:34.04]but ultimately, redemption. 分享艾毕一家的甜酸苦辣
  [03:37.04]Note the touching performance of Ronald brierly as uncle buddy. 饰演巴迪叔叔的朗诺布里
  [03:41.52]And that scene with the bowl Of cherries is gonna have you Splitting your sides With laughter all over again. 肯定会让你捧腹大笑
  [03:46.28]There'll be tears, too, when David and Jennifer are reunited. 大卫和珍妮佛重聚令人落泪
  [03:52.56]Let'sjoin the Abbotts in Camden Village. 现在请大家观赏 住在康登村的艾毕家
  [04:21.36]Thank you, Sweetie. 谢谢你
  [04:27.04]l need to talk to you, but let's go outside. 我们得谈谈,到外面
  [04:32.80]- l'd love to, but l'm really late. 我也想,不过我快迟到了
  [04:34.28]- What's your rush? 你急什么?
  [04:37.36]Surgery. 动手术
  [04:39.44]There was that elevator disaster. lt was on the news. 市区发生电梯意外 昨晚新闻有报导
  [04:42.96]The cable just snapped. The elevator plummeted ten flights. 钢缆断裂,电梯从十楼跌下
  [04:47.64]The non- union workers. 乘客非死即伤,真可怕
  [04:49.20]Right next door to where you work.  就在你们公司附近
  [04:53.68]What if you had been in there? 幸好你不在那儿上班 否则结果不堪设想
  [04:56.16]Anyway, l have an amputation on one of the women from the elevator. 有个女乘客必须进行截肢
  [04:59.56]She's very young. lt's sad. 她好年轻,真可怜
