听电影学英语-姐姐的守护者 18(在线收听

  [00:04.84]Mom's gonna chop me and cut me... 妈妈会把我大卸八块
  [00:08.76]...till l'm a vegetable. 直到我成了植物人
  [00:13.84]Two cells in a Petri dish that she shocks with an electric cord. 她用电击培养皿中的两个细胞
  [00:19.12]You'll be all right. 你会没事的
  [00:25.28]lt's over. 都结束了
  [00:28.36]Time to go. 是时候离开了
  [00:36.92]l need you to do me a favor. sissy. 我要你帮个忙,妹妹
  [00:40.12]What favor? 什么忙?
  [00:45.56]You can release me. 你可以解脱我
  [00:58.68]Are you certain you don't wanna take the rest of the day off? 你确定你不想休息一下?
  [01:01.56]Oh. no. Your Honor. l'm fine. 哦,不,法官阁下,我很好
  [01:03.76]Anything for a recess. right? 绝不休庭,对吗?
  [01:08.60]So. Anna. for the record. 所以,Anna,备案
  [01:12.20]Did you tell Kate you would stop being a donor so that she could die? 你是否告知Kate你停止作为一个供体会导致她的死亡?
  [01:15.48]- Yeah. - And what did she say? - 是 - 她说什么?
  [01:20.68]ANNA: Mom and Dad are gonna kill me. 爸妈会杀了我
  [01:22.56]What am l supposed to tell them? 我该怎么对他们说呢?
  [01:24.84]KATE: Tell them you're important too. 告诉他们你也很重要
  [01:27.72]Tell them you wanna play soccer. 告诉他们你想踢球
  [01:30.52]Tell them you wanna cheerlead. 告诉他们你想当拉拉队长
  [01:34.68]They'll never believe me. 他们不会相信我的
  [01:35.20]Yeah. they will. 不,他们会的
  [01:38.84]And you wanna know why? 你想知道为什么?
  [01:39.76]Because it's the truth. 因为事实就是这样
  [01:44.60]ANNA: Oh. boy. - l know. - 哦,孩子 - 我知道
  [01:52.76]ANNA: You scared? 你怕了吗?
  [01:54.56]No. l know l'll be okay. 不,我知道我会没事的
  [02:01.04]What do you think happens? 你认为会发生什么?
  [02:02.88]l mean. where do you go? 我是说,你会去哪儿?
  [02:09.96]l don't know. baby. 我不知道,孩子
  [02:13.16]But who knows? 但谁知道呢?
  [02:16.76]Wherever it is. maybe l'll run into Taylor. 不管哪儿,或许我会遇见Taylor的
  [02:20.12]Will you wait for me? 你会等我吗?
  [02:22.00]What? 什么?
  [02:26.20]lf you go anywhere crazy. will you wait? 如果你去了什么疯狂之地,你会等我吗?
  [02:29.68]l mean. how will l know how to find you? 我是说,我怎么知道怎样找你?
  [02:35.92]lf you're ever lost or scared... 如果你很迷惑,惊恐不安
  [02:38.48]...go to Montana. 就去蒙大拿
  [02:41.96]- Montana? - Yeah. - 蒙大拿? - 是啊
  [02:44.84]That's where l'll be. 我会在那儿
  [02:50.44]ANNA: Okay. 好的
  [02:53.20]What did she say. Anna? 她说了什么,Anna?
  [02:54.80]She said.'Thanks.' “谢谢”,她说
  [03:00.28]All right. l think l have enough information... 好的,我想我有了足够的信息
  [03:03.52]...but before l make my decision. l'd like to visit Kate. if that's all right. 但是在我判决之前,我想去拜访Kate,如果她没事的话
  [03:10.52]lt's hard to say. It takes from anywhere between 24 and 48 hours or so. 很难说,二十四小时或者四十八小时内
  [03:28.80]WOMAN (OVER SPEAKERS): Radiology therapist to Room 231. 放射科医生请到231房间
  [03:29.96]Radiology therapist to Room 231. 放射科医生请到231房间
  [03:54.84]PERVIS: Hey. sweetheart. How you feeling? - Hey. - 嘿,宝贝,感觉怎么样? - 嘿
  [03:57.00]- Hi. - Hi. sweetie. - 嗨 - 嗨,亲爱的
  [03:59.04]- Hi. Hey. you look good. You do. - Hi. - 嗨,嘿,你看起来不错,确实是 - 嗨
  [04:01.80]Look. l got you this book. okay? 看,我给你带了这本书,怎么样?
  [04:02.36]lt's full of guided meditations. visualizations. healing stuff. 这里面都是冥想可视化指南,有治疗作用
  [04:05.64]- Really good for you. okay? - Okay. - 对你有好处,好吗? - 好的
  [04:08.16]- Hey. - Hi. - 嘿 - 嗨
  [04:09.44]A lot of living to do. okay? 此生还有很多活动要做,对吗?
  [04:10.24]- Keep fighting. - Okay. - 接着奋斗 - 没问题
  [04:14.44]- All right. promise me? - Promise. - 很好,向我保证? - 保证
  [04:19.80]Hey. you let the cat out of the bag. you naughty boy. 嘿,你怎么那么早说出真相,你个淘气鬼
  [04:25.84]l didn't know what else to do. 我不知道除此之外还有什么办法
  [04:29.00]- l'm sorry. - Hey. - 对不起 - 嘿
  [04:31.12]Hey. you know what you did? 嘿,你知道你在干了什么吗?
  [04:41.08]You know how brave you are? 你知道你有多么勇敢吗?
  [04:56.56]- How about some pizza? - l'm up for that. - 来点披萨怎么样 - 我正想要呢
  [05:00.64]- Definitely. Definitely. PERVIS: Yeah. - 当然,当然,很好 - 是啊
