unit5 Shall we go to the zoo(在线收听

  [00:00.00] Unit 5  Shall we go to the zoo?
  [00:15.80]Shall we go to the zoo?
  [00:44.75]A:Hello, may I speak to David?
  [00:52.43]A:Hi, David! This is Lin Tao speaking.
  [00:57.08]A:Hi, Lin Tao. What's up?
  [01:00.84]B:What are you going to do next Sunday?
  [01:05.23]A:Nothing much. Do you have any idea?
  [03:06.07]A:Shall we go to the zoo?
  [03:32.85]A dolphin show
  [03:37.00]A dolphin show? Good idea! How can we get there?
  [03:49.07]A:By bus or by bike?
  [03:57.61]B:OK, let's go by bike. When shall we meet?
  [04:08.37]A:What abut a quarter past ten?
  [04:29.04]Shall we go to the zoo?
  [04:47.69]Shall Shall we go to the zoo?
  [04:53.15]Let's go to the zoo. All right?
  [05:07.10]Why don't we go to the zoo?
  [05:11.25]Why not go to the zoo?
  [05:24.41]How/ What about going to the zoo?
  [06:16.63]Let's go and watch the dolphin show.
  [06:26.48]Let's make it half past nine.
  [06:34.24]Let's meet outside the zoo gate.
  [06:44.51]Let's go by bike.
  [08:27.48]What time is it?
  [09:44.93]It's six fifteen. Let's get up.
  [10:01.29]It's a quarter  past six Shall we get up?
  [10:18.42]It's seven fifteen. Let's go to shcool.
  [10:32.37]It's a quarter past seven. Shall we go to school?
  [10:40.50]9:30 a.m. do eye exercises
  [10:48.83]It's nine thirty.Let's do eye exercises.
  [11:02.28]4:30 p.m. have some sports
  [11:10.93]It's four thirty. Let's have some sports.
  [11:21.20]5:45 p.m. go home
  [11:29.61]It's a quarter to six, Shall we go home?
  [11:35.38]9:45 p.m. go to bed
  [11:40.63]It's nine forty-five.Let's go to bed.
  [11:45.67]It's a quarter to ten. Shall we go to bed?
