听电影学英语-美食从天而降 15(在线收听

  [00:08.58]Flint? Flint?
  [00:11.58]I'm sorry. 对不起
  [00:33.86]Your son was a great man. 你儿子很伟大
  [01:01.74]-Steve. -Steve. - Steve - Steve
  [01:04.46]-Flint. -Brent. - Flint - Brent
  [01:05.82]-Flint. -Cal. - Flint - Cal
  [01:06.74]-Steve. -Flint. - Steve - Flint
  [01:08.82]-Earl. -Flint. - Earl - Flint
  [01:11.42]-You guy. -Steve. - 你呀 - Steve
  [01:14.86]Flint. Flint
  [01:15.26]Sam. Sam
  [01:17.38]Sam. Sam
  [01:19.46]-Flint. -Flint. - Flint - Flint
  [01:20.94]-Dad. -Steve. - 老爸 - Steve
  [01:23.94]Flint. Flint
  [01:28.50]Look, when you-- When you cast your line... 看,当你 当你扔出钓线
  [01:33.06]...if it's not straight-- 要是它不直
  [01:36.22]Oh, for crying out loud. 大声说出来吧
  [01:42.34]I'm proud of you, Flint. 我为你自豪,Flint
  [01:46.10]I'm amazed that someone as ordinary as me... 像我这么普通的人
  [01:48.30]...could be the father of someone as extraordinary as you. 能成为你这样不平凡的人的父亲 我很吃惊
  [01:53.26]You're talented, you're a total original. 你很有才能 你是完全的原创
  [01:55.14]And your lab is breathtaking. 你的实验室也很惊人
  [01:58.14]Your mom, she always knew you were going to be special. 你妈妈,她一直知道,你会成为特殊的一个
  [02:01.82]And if she were alive today, she'd tell us both: 要是她今天还活着 她会说
  [02:05.90]''I told you so. '' “我告诉过你们了”
  [02:09.34]Now, look, when I take this thing off... 现在看那 我把这东西拿开
  [02:13.42]...and you hear me make a fishing metaphor... 你会听见我来个捕鱼寓言
  [02:15.34]...just know that fishing metaphor means: 我仅仅知道 捕鱼寓言是说:
  [02:18.62]I love my son. 我爱我儿子
  [02:20.66]I love you too, Dad. 我也爱你,老爸
  [02:35.18]So where were we? 我们进行到哪儿了?
  [02:37.30]You were about to kiss me. 你要吻我了
  [02:39.18]Were you gonna kiss me back? 你会回吻我吗?
  [02:41.98]Why don't you find out? 你为什么不自己发现呢?
  [02:42.66]Because I don't want to go for it and then get shut down again. 那是因为我不想吻了你 然后再次被打趴下
  [02:45.94]-Just kiss me. -You know-- - 亲我 - 你知道
  [02:56.78]Yeah. I'm a chicken. 我知道,我是只烤鸡
  [03:18.42]This was not well thought out. 这可没有完全想好
