290 巴基斯坦社论呼吁停止暴力行动(在线收听


Palestinian Editorial Calls for an End to Violence

Meredith Buel


3 Aug 2001 15:52 UTC


After more than ten months violence the official Palestinian 1)news agency has called for an end to armed attacks against Israel. In an 2)editorial, WAFA says throwing rocks and shoes at Israelis is "more effective than mortar shells fired" at Jewish settlements in the 3)occupied 4)territories.

The editorial says that no matter how many Israelis become 5)casualties of the current 6)uprising against occupation, the Palestinians "will not be able to win the war." The agency says Palestinians can achieve their goals "by political means…and not using 7)firearms."

WAFA, which generally reflects the views of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat, also criticized Palestinians who threatened the United States and Europe. The editorial follows a call from Mr. Arafat for an end to the violence. Mr. Arafat renewed his appeal for international observers to be 8)deployed in the region.

Israeli police say a Palestinian woman tried to carry a bomb into the central bus station in Tel Aviv on Friday. Police say the woman dropped the bomb after being challenged by security guards and was arrested.

Israeli police have been on high 9)alert for suicide bombings after the Islamic militant group Hamas swore revenge for Israel's killing of six activists and two children earlier this week in the West Bank city of Nablus. A suspected Palestinian 10)collaborator was found dead in the West Bank, the fourth such killing this week.

In an 11)apparent attempt to stop street executions, the Palestinian Authority issued a statement Friday declaring it has 12)sole power to act against "anyone trying to violate the interest of the Palestinian people." Recently, Palestinian security courts have 13)handed down death sentences for men who 14)allegedly collaborated with Israel.

In Jerusalem, Friday Muslim prayers ended peacefully after Israeli police 15)banned Palestinian men under 40-years-old from entering the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound to prevent riots. Clashes erupted last Sunday at the 16)disputed site, which is known to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary and to Jews as the Temple Mount.

The current Palestinian uprising began last September after then Israeli opposition leader and now Prime Minister Ariel Sharon visited the compound.



(1)      news agency n.通讯社

(2)      editorial[edI5tC:rIEl]n.社论adj.编辑上的, 主笔的, 社论的

(3)      occupy[5RkjJpaI]vt., 占用, 占领, 占据

(4)      territory[5terItErI; (?@) -tC:rI]n.领土, 版图, 地域

(5)      casualties人员伤亡

(6)      uprising[Qp5raIzIN]n.起义, 升起

(7)      firearms n.火器, 轻武器

(8)      deploy[dI5plCI]v.展开, 配置

(9)      alert[E5l:t]adj.提防的, 警惕的n.警惕, 警报

(10)      collaborator[ kE`lAbEreItE(r) ]n.合作者

(11)      apparent[E5pArEnt]adj.显然的, 外观上的

(12)      sole[sEJl]adj.单独的, 唯一的

(13)      hand down v.传下来, 宣布

(14)      allegedly[E5ledVIdlI]adv.依其申述

(15)      ban[bAn]n.禁令vt.禁止, 取缔(书刊等)

(16)      dispute v.争议




