AP 2011-05-10(在线收听

1. The Pentagon has released five silent videos it says it seized from Osama Bin Laden's compound. Most show him giving statements into a camera, but another shows him sitting on the floor watching TV, flipping to different channels that were showing him on the air.

2. Residents in flood-ravaged western Tennessee aren't getting relief from the weather. Rain is adding to their misery as the swollen Mississippi continues to rise at new record levels.

3. Insurgents in Afghanistan have launched an assault against at least eight government installations in Kandahar. A Taliban spokesman says more than 100 militants flooded the city.

4. Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is following President Barack Obama's footstep, and releasing his birth certificate. The Republican is being talked by some as a potential presidential candidate. The birth certificate shows he was born in Louisiana to immigrant parents.
