AP 2011-05-13(在线收听

1. River watchers say the Mississippi is starting to level out around Memphis and it could crest tonight, just shy of a record. More than 1,000 people have been forced to flee their homes.


2. Pakistan's prime minister is echoing President Barack Obama, telling Parliament that Osama Bin Laden's death was “indeed justice done.” But he's also warning the U.S. against any future raids similar to the one that killed the al-Qaida leader last week.


3. NASA says it will try again next Monday to launch Endeavour on the next-to-last space shuttle flight. On April 29th, an electrical problem prevented the shuttle from blasting off. The husband of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who named Mark Kelly, will lead the mission.


4. The nation's first full face transplant recipient said the first thing his young daughter told him when she saw him after the operation was “Daddy, you're so handsome.” Dallas Wiens joined surgeons in Boston in his first public appearance since the 15-hour procedure in March.
