AP 2011-05-15(在线收听

1. Crews are working to shore up levees along the Mississippi River as floodwaters are expected to swell in the next few days in the Mississippi Delta. State officials are urging residents to seek higher ground. The local economy is taking a hit as the river and its tributaries have washed away crops and closed dockside casinos.

2. US officials say a hand-written journal kept by Osama bin Laden included planning ideas and details of operations. The journal was part of a huge cache of intelligence taken by US Navy SEALs during a raid on bin Laden's compound in Pakistan.

3. Republican Newt Gingrich officially joined the race for president by way of social media. In a post on Twitter, the former house speaker says he’s announcing his candidacy for president of the United States.

4. A judge has ordered Lindsay Lohan to 120-day jail sentence after the actress pleaded no contest in the theft of a necklace from a California jewelry store in February. Lohan is expected to serve only a fraction of that time because of jail overcrowding.
