英美人天天都在说的4000句 28:blow one’s cover(在线收听

  [00:00]G:What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?
[00:02]Hey, Pam, guess what? Daddy's planning a little covert operation in Thailand for the day after the wedding.
[00:07]J: I'm sorry, Pam, but your dad is not retired.
[00:09]He's still very much in the CIA.
[00:13]P:Daddy. What...
[00:16]J:He, he's right. He's right. I, I, I've...My, my cover's blown.
[00:21]I, I am planning a secret operation the day after the wedding.
[00:25]P: What?
[00:26]J: A surprised honeymoon for Deb and Bob. You stupid son of a bitch! You just blew it!
