英美人天天都在说的4000句 134:pick one’s brain(在线收听

[00:01]C:You know, I, I probably wouldn't even tell you this if, if I weren't a little tipsy... but,
[00:08]I'm in complete awe of you.
[00:11]I mean, your firm is hands-down the Rolls Royce of local real estate firms.
[00:18]Your personal sales record is very intimidating.
[00:25]You know, I'd love to sit down with you and just pick your brain, if you'd ever be willing.
[00:34]You know, I suppose, technically, I'm the "competition", but...
[00:39]I mean, hey, I don't flatter myself that I'm even in the same league as you. I don't...
[00:47]B:I'd love to.
