学个词Learn a Word 第1225期 genetic(在线收听

  今天我们要学的词是 genetic, genetic is spelled g-e-n-e-t-i-c; genetic. Genetic 基因的。最新研究发现,人体对咖啡因的需要跟基因有关。The researchers compared the genetic makeup and caffeine consumption habits of more than 47,000 Americans. 研究人员对四万七千多个美国人的基因构成和咖啡因摄取习惯进行了比较。如今,美国消费者在药店里就能买到基因测试包。The Food and Drug Administration estimates that up to 200,000 genetic testing kits have been sold although critics say the results are meaningless. 虽然批评人士说,测试结果毫无意思,但美国食品药物管理局估计,至今已售出多达20万套基因测试包。好的,今天我们学习的词是 genetic, genetic, genetic.
