AP 2011-06-11(在线收听

1. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has formally requested an ethics investigation of Congressman Anthony Weiner. It comes one day after the New York Democrat publicly confessed to sending inappropriate photos and emails to women he had met online.

2. Reserve Chairman Ben Bernake is predicting stronger economic growth in the second half of this year. Bernake says temporary factors like higher gasoline prices and crisis in Japan are the main reasons for the recent economic slowdown.

3. Obama administration officials say Yemen's president has burns covering 40% of his body, and is suffering from bleeding inside his skull after an attack on his compound last week. The US is calling for an “immediate transition” of power.

4. Wildfire burning in eastern Arizona's mountains is now the second largest in state history. The fire has consumed nearly 500 square miles so far and is blowing smoke as far away as Iowa.
