VOA慢速英语2011--US, Japan Meet in Women's World Cup; in(在线收听

IN THE NEWS - US, Japan Meet in Women's World Cup; in Los Angeles, 'Carmageddon'

新闻报道 - 美国日本会师女足世界杯决赛
This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.
Two of the world's favorite activities -- soccer and wordplay -- are in the news this week.
On Sunday, the United States plays Japan for the women's World Cup championship. The game is in Frankfurt, Germany. This is the Americans' first time in the final in twelve years. They won against China in nineteen ninety-nine and against Norway in nineteen ninety-one. That was the first year of the women's World Cup in football, or what Americans call soccer.
On Wednesday the United States defeated France to reach the final. Striker Abby Wambach gave her team a two to one lead with a header off Lauren Cheney's corner kick in the seventy-ninth minute. Cheney had given the United States an early lead, but she told ESPN television that she credits Wambach for her efforts.
美国队周三击败法国队挺进决赛。第79分钟,美国队前锋阿比·瓦姆巴赫(Abby Wambach)接队友劳伦·切尼(Lauren Cheney)开出的角球头球破门,为本队取得2:1领先。切尼为美国队首开记录,但她对ESPN电视台表示,她将胜利归功于瓦姆巴赫的努力。
LAUREN CHENEY: "Not only is she at the right place at the right time, but she has more heart than anybody that I've ever played with. And I know that in the last minute, she's going to get it done."
Alex Morgan added another goal in the eighty-second minute. At twenty-two, she is the youngest player on the American team.
第82分钟,亚历克斯·摩根(Alex Morgan)再入一球。22岁的她是美国队最年轻的球员。
Japan defeated Sweden in the other semifinal game. Host nation Germany, the two-time defending champion, lost to Japan in the quarterfinals.
So that was news from the playing field. Now to the wordplay.
Commentators and bloggers often use the word "gate" when a politician is accused of trying to hide the truth. A recent example: "Weinergate." Congressman Anthony Weiner of New York denied, then later admitted, that he sent sexually suggestive messages and pictures to women. He resigned in June.
当政治家被指控试图隐瞒真相时,评论家和博主经常使用“门”这个词。最近的一个例子是“韦纳门。”纽约国会议员安东尼·韦纳(Anthony Weiner)先是否认,继而承认自己向一名女性发送性暗示信息和图片。他已于六月辞职。
Next June will be forty years since the very first "gate." Watergate is the name of a group of buildings in Washington. In June of nineteen seventy-two, police arrested five men who broke into Democratic Party offices there.
Two Washington Post reporters, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, linked the break-in to the committee to re-elect Republican President Richard Nixon. He resigned because of Watergate.
华盛顿邮报两名记者,鲍勃·伍德沃德(Bob Woodward)和卡尔·伯恩斯坦(Carl Bernstein)将这次闯入事件与共和党总统尼克松(Richard Nixon)的竞选委员会联系起来。尼克松因为水门事件辞职。
Another place name is "Armageddon." The Christian Bible says there will be a final battle there between the forces of good and evil at the end of time. These days, people joke about events like "Snowmageddon," the huge snowstorms that hit the Washington area a year ago.
President Obama even used the term on Friday to describe proposals to avoid a crisis over raising the government's borrowing limit.
BARACK OBAMA: "It is constructive to say that if Washington operates as usual and can’t get anything done, let’s at least avert Armageddon."
Right now, officials in Los Angeles are warning drivers to avoid "Carmageddon." Road work will close a major north-south link this weekend. The work is part of a project to widen Interstate 405, also called the San Diego Freeway. The 405 will close for sixteen kilometers between the city's Westside and the San Fernando Valley.
The closure is planned for fifty-three hours, until Monday morning at five. California transportation official Mike Miles told TV station KABC that people normally try to avoid the 405 anyway because of heavy traffic.
这次道路封闭预计持续53个小时,一直封闭到周一早上5点。加州运输官员迈克·迈尔斯(Mike Miles)对KABC电视台表示,反正人们一般都会由于交通拥堵避开405号公路。
MIKE MILES: "The biggest thing that's going to help is if the public stays away and stays home on this weekend. Most of the people go through their lives trying to avoid the 405. This is the one weekend we want to tell you, you really need to avoid the 405."
But Carmageddon or not, local businesses are offering special deals to keep people from staying home and not spending money. That would be the biggest disaster of all.
And that's IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English. I'm Christopher Cruise.
Contributing: Parke Brewer

