
  Weekly Address: President  Obama Says the Mission in Libya is Succeeding
  WASHINGTON – In his weekly address,  President Obama told the American people that the military mission in Libya  is succeeding even as responsibility is transferred to our NATO allies and  partners. Qaddafi’s air defenses have been taken out, his forces are no  longer advancing across the country, and in places like Benghazi, his forces  have been pushed back.  Every American  can be proud of the lives we have saved and of the service of our men and  women in uniform who once again have stood up for our interests and our  ideals.
  Last week, when I ordered our armed  forces to help protect the Libyan people from the brutality of Moammar  Qaddafi, I pledged to keep the American people fully informed.  Since then, I’ve spoken about the limited  scope and specific purpose of this mission. Today, I can report that thanks  to our brave men and women in uniform, we’ve made important progress.
  As Commander in Chief, I face no greater  decision than sending our military men and women into harm’s way.  And the United States should not—and  cannot—intervene every time there’s a crisis somewhere in the world.
  But I firmly believe that when innocent people  are being brutalized; when someone like Qaddafi threatens a bloodbath that  could destabilize an entire region; and when the international community is  prepared to come together to save many thousands of lives—then it’s in our  national interest to act.  And it’s our  responsibility.  This is one of those  times.
  Our military mission in Libya is clear  and focused.  Along with our allies and  partners, we’re enforcing the mandate of the United Nations Security  Council.  We’re protecting the Libyan  people from Qaddafi’s forces.  And  we’ve put in place a no fly zone and other measures to prevent further  atrocities.
  We’re succeeding in our mission.  We’ve taken out Libya’s air defenses.  Qaddafi’s forces are no longer advancing  across Libya.  In places like Benghazi,  a city of some 700,000 that Qaddafi threatened to show “no mercy,” his forces  have been pushed back.  So make no  mistake, because we acted quickly, a humanitarian catastrophe has been  avoided and the lives of countless civilians—innocent men, women and  children—have been saved.
  As I pledged at the outset, the role of  American forces has been limited. We are not putting any ground forces into  Libya. Our military has provided unique capabilities at the beginning, but  this is now a broad, international effort. Our allies and partners are  enforcing the no fly zone over Libya and the arms embargo at sea.  Key Arab partners like Qatar and the United  Arab Emirates have committed aircraft.   And as agreed this week, responsibility for this operation is being  transferred from the United States to our NATO allies and partners.
  This is how the international community  should work—more nations, not just the United States, bearing the  responsibility and cost of upholding peace and security.
  This military effort is part of our  larger strategy to support the Libyan people and hold the Qaddafi regime  accountable.  Together with the  international community, we’re delivering urgent humanitarian assistance.  We’re offering support to the Libyan  opposition.  We’ve frozen tens of  billions of dollars of Qaddafi’s assets that can help meet the needs and  aspirations of the Libyan people.  And  every day, the pressure on Qaddafi and his regime is increasing.
  Our message is clear and unwavering.  Qaddafi’s attacks against civilians must  stop.  His forces must pull back.  Humanitarian assistance must be allowed to  reach those in need.  Those responsible  for violence must be held accountable.   Moammar Qaddafi has lost the confidence of his people and the  legitimacy to rule, and the aspirations of the Libyan people must be  realized.
  In recent days, we’ve heard the voices of  Libyans expressing their gratitude for this mission. “You saved our lives,”  said one Libyan.  Said another, “Today,  there is hope.”
  Every American can be proud of the lives  we’ve saved in Libya and of the service of our men and women in uniform who  once again have stood up for our interests and our ideals.  And people in Libya and around the world  are seeing that the United States of America stands with those who hope for a  future where they can determine their own destiny.
