听电影学英语-绝配男女 12(在线收听

  [00:01.68]- You know my Corvette? - Yeah.  你知道我的巡洋舰吗?
  [00:03.04]I love that car. Every year they come out with a new one.  是的 我喜欢那辆车
  [00:07.40]Sleeker design, bigger engine, faster.  华而不实的设计 更大的安排空间,速度更快…
  [00:08.24]There's always something new right around the corner.  街角总是有一些新车
  [00:11.92]Fidelity isn't a feeling,  但是我喜欢我的车
  [00:19.60]Drew. It's a decision.  忠诚是一种真正的感情 这是一种决心
  [00:28.64]Okay. Now you see that little halo around the edge?  好了,你看到边缘有光边吗?
  [00:32.16]We need to shrink that mat.  是的 我们要收缩那个光边
  [00:35.68]- Okay, so I goto the keyer mode, right? - Right.  好的,那我要用图片增效器吗?
  [00:38.52]没错 好的
  [00:38.84]And I'll try erodeing it by a point.  那我来试试看 没错
  [00:45.52]Very good.  非常好
  [00:53.92]Drew, Louis wants to seeyou.  喂德鲁,路易斯要见你
  [00:54.40]Alright, I'll be right there.  好的,我马上去
  [01:05.28]- You okay? - Fine.  你没事吧?
  [01:11.64]Louis just told me. I'm sorry, Drew.  路易斯刚刚跟我说了 对不起,德鲁
  [01:18.52]He knew before I did.  就连你都知道了我没通过
  [01:21.52]Well look, he said if you pass the next time he'd hire you back.  等你下次通过考试 我们还会聘用你的
  [01:24.52]I can't wait 3 months. I need a job now.  我等不了6个月 我现在就需要工作
  [01:30.04]I'll lend you the money while you're studying.  我会负责你所有的费用
  [01:32.72]No, I don't want to take anymore money from you.  不,我不想再花你的钱
  [01:35.76]I feel bad enough as it is.  要不你还会瞧得起我吗
  [01:38.92]I don't, okay. Just think about it.  我不会的,再考虑考虑吧
  [01:46.60]Okay.  好吧
  [01:57.68]Hi.  嗨
  [02:02.68]- Hi, I was just in the area. I was wondering if Monty was home. - Sugar!  嗨,我知道早了点 蒙迪在家吗?
  [02:14.40]Thanks. Come in.  谢谢
  [02:19.08]- Want some breakfast? - No thanks. I just had lunch.  进来
  [02:22.44]- Oh fuck, what time is it? - It's 2:15.  谢谢,我刚吃过午饭
  [02:26.76]Oh Jesus...  天哪
  [02:28.80]- Want your robe, sexy? - Yes...  想卖弄性感吗?没错
  [02:39.32]So ahh... What's up?  怎么啦?
  [02:41.68]Well I wanted to tell you in person,  我想亲口告诉你,不是大事 不过我没通过律师考试
  [02:43.52]no big deal, but... I didn't pass the Bar, so I'm
  [02:47.52]temporarily not with the firm. At least not until the next exam.  所以暂时不能在公司做事 至少在下次考试前不行
  [02:50.72]But in the meantime, I can still work on that deal for you.  不过同时 我可以完全静下心来
  [02:54.72]In fact, now I can devote even more time.  实际上现在我有更多时间了
  [02:59.40]- Does Louis know you're here? - No.  是路易斯让你来的吗?不是
  [03:09.28]Wow. You've got balls... I'll give you that.  噢,你没有老板 我不能给做这笔生意
  [03:12.96]But you must think I'm pretty stupid.  你肯定觉得我很蠢
  [03:17.96]I've been doing this shit since I was 5 years old. I know the deal...  五年前我就开始入这一行了 我明白这里面的规矩
  [03:21.32]...and I wouldn't make a move without Louis.  没有路易斯我不会跟你合作
  [03:22.84]You'd know that if you did your homework...  你回家再复习 复习功课就知道了
  [03:25.68]...then again, if you did your homework you might have passed that test.  你回家复习功课先通过考试
  [03:28.52]And we wouldn't be standing here, insulting each other like this.  我们再站在这谈论这个问题 白痴
  [03:42.40]- Well, I can support us until you pass... - No.  我可以帮你通过
  [03:48.28]It's okay, Gary's going to make me a CGI assistant,  没事的 加里请我担任CJ代理…
  [03:50.28]- so I'll be getting a raise. - That's great.  所以我有稳定工作了
  [03:56.12]That is great, Jules. It's just...  这真是个好消息…
  [04:01.16]...that 6 months is a long time.  只是六个月的时间太长了
  [04:05.84]Yeah well, 3 years of law school was even longer.  噢,三年法学院的学习更久
  [04:10.20]Come on... ...you can't give up now.  好了
  [04:14.88]I know, I'll always regret it.  你现在不能放弃
  [04:19.56]- It's easy to talk when you have money. - What does that mean?  我们不是说你没有钱吗
  [04:25.60]Means, I didn't have anyone to buy me a car or pay for my school...  就是说我没钱买车 没钱求学
  [04:27.08]What are you saying, Drew?
  [04:30.08]I can't relate to your problems, Because I come from a little money?  你说什么啊?因为我没什么 钱就不会管你的事吗?
  [04:34.28]Well?  差不多…
  [04:38.64]Screw you.  你真是无理取闹
  [04:42.32]Argh... Why did I do that, what the hell was I thinking?  我为什么要这样做?
  [04:48.16]I hate saying this,  我讨厌西玛克斯
  [04:51.16]Iguess sometimes you... Now forget it.  有时我会想…
  [04:55.72]He says he's just worried about his career,  噢,算了吧
  [04:57.40]but he makes me feel like I'm nagging him all the time.  但是他好象 一直都在生我的气
  [04:58.60]Why do you stay?  噢,那你们干嘛待在一起? 爱情
