英语听力:听电影学英语-贱女孩 17(在线收听

  [00:01.50]Twice the larger of two numbers is three more than five times the smaller, 有两个数,数值大的两倍加三是
  [00:04.38]and the sum of four times the larger 数值小的五倍,数值大的四倍与
  [00:05.38]and three times the smaller is 71. What are... 数值小的三倍之和是71 请问这两位数是...?
  [00:10.06]- North Shore? - Fourteen and five. - 北岸高中? - 14和5
  [00:12.74]That is correct. Question number two. 正确 第二个问题
  [00:13.90]Find an odd three-digit number whose digits add up to 12. 找一个三位数的奇数,各位数之和是12
  [00:17.42]and the difference between the first two digits
  [00:18.06]The digits are all different, 三位数都不相同,前两位数的差值
  [00:18.58]equals the difference between... 和后两位数的差值相等
  [00:22.58]- Marymount? - 741. - 玛丽蒙? - 741
  [00:24.62]- Correct. - Shoot. I was really rusty. - 正确 - 浪费,我真迟钝
  [00:27.14]- Where's Cady? - She went out. - 凯蒂在哪? - 她出去了
  [00:29.82]She's grounded. 她都被禁足了
  [00:34.14]Are they not allowed out when they're grounded? 被禁足了就不能出去吗?
  [00:45.70]These A-holes will represent you for a full calendar year. 选中的人会在一年内代表你们
  [00:49.22]I'm gonna vote for Regina George because she got hit by that bus. 我选莉贾娜·乔治,因为她被车撞了
  [00:52.90]I'm voting for Cady Heron because she pushed her. 我选凯蒂·海伦,因为她推了她
  [01:01.94]She's supposed to be grounded, but he let her out. 她都被禁足了,但他还让她出去
  [01:08.26]After 87 minutes of very competitive play, we have a tie. 经过87分钟激烈的比赛,我们得到平局
  [01:12.30]In the event of a tie, we move into a sudden-death round. 在打平的情况下,我们进入突然死亡回合
  [01:13.62]Each team is given the opportunity to choose their opponent. 两队均可选择他们的对手
  [01:17.66]- North Shore, who do you select? - The girl, dude. The girl. - 北岸高中,你们选谁? - 那个女孩,哥们,选那个女孩
  [01:21.66]Contestant Krafft. 克拉夫特选手
  [01:25.34]From Marymount, Miss Caroline Krafft. 来自玛丽蒙队的卡洛琳·卡拉夫特小姐
  [01:29.02]We pick the girl, too. 我们也选女的
  [01:32.54]And from North Shore, Miss Cady Heron. 来自北岸高中的堪蒂·海伦小姐
  [01:34.38]It's Cady. 是凯蒂
  [01:37.74]Oh, my God, that's me. 噢,上帝,是我
  [01:45.78]Miss Caroline Krafft seriously needed to pluck her eyebrows. 卡洛琳·克拉夫特小姐急需修眉
  [01:51.46]Her outfit looked like it was picked out by a blind Sunday school teacher, 她的样子看上去好像是 星期日盲文班的老师挑出来的
  [01:55.14]and she had some 99垄 lip gloss on her snaggletooth. 把99%的唇膏涂在她的暴牙上
  [01:57.98]And that's when I realized, making fun of Caroline Krafft 就在那时我意识到 取笑卡洛琳·克拉夫特
  [02:01.14]wouldn't stop her from beating me in this contest. 不能阻止她在竞赛中打败我
  [02:02.82]Contestants, find the limit of this equation. 选手们,给出这个式子的极限值
  [02:08.86]Calling somebody else fat won't make you any skinnier. 说别人胖,不可能使自己变瘦
  [02:10.54]Calling someone stupid doesn't make you any smarter. 叫别人傻瓜,自己不会变聪明
  [02:11.54]And ruining Regina George's life definitely didn't make me any happier. 而毁了莉贾娜·乔治一生 也一定不会让我更加快乐
  [02:17.22]All you can do in life is try to solve the problem in front of you. 生活中要做的就是 努力解决在你面前的问题
  [02:19.58]The limit is negative one. - 极限值是负一 - 哦,糟糕,我输了
  [02:22.58]Oh, crap. I lost.
  [02:22.90]That answer is incorrect. 答案不正确
  [02:26.78]Now, we are in a sudden death. 现在我们采用的是突然死亡法 如果海伦小姐能够正确回答
  [02:29.10]If Miss Heron can answer this problem correctly, we have a winner.
  [02:34.14]Limits. Why couldn't I remember anything about limits? 极限值,为什么我一点也想不起极限的东西?
  [02:36.98]Limits. That was the week Aaron got his hair cut. 极限值,那个礼拜亚伦剪了头发
  [02:38.66]Oh, God, he looked so cute. Okay, focus, Cady. 噢,上帝,他瞧上去真可爱 好,集中注意力,凯蒂
  [02:40.34]What was on the board behind Aaron's head? 亚伦脑后的黑板上写着什么来着?
  [02:45.02]If the limit never approaches anything... 如果极限不接近任何...
  [02:46.34]The limit does not exist. 极限就不存在
  [02:49.02]The limit does not exist! 这个极限不存在!
  [02:49.70]Our new state champions, 我们的新冠军
  [02:52.02]- the North Shore Mathletes. - Yeah! - 是北岸高中数奥队 - 太棒了!

  [03:05.42]How do you like me now? 喜欢我吗?
  [03:08.10]You like that? Yeah! Get some! Get some! 喜欢吗?耶!来点!来点啊!
  [03:12.10]Awesome. You went with the leather sleeves. 太棒了,穿上这皮袖子
  [03:12.62]- Africa, you did the damn thing. - Thanks. - 非洲人,你太厉害了 - 多谢
  [03:17.78]Thanks, K.G. 谢了,凯文·纳泊尔
  [03:18.14]We're gonna look so kick-ass in these when we roll into Spring Fling. 我们穿着这个去“春季狂欢节”舞会 大家会吃惊死的
  [03:21.98]- Oh, no, I'm not going. - What? - 噢,不,我不去了 - 什么?
  [03:23.98]Cady, this is your night. 凯蒂,这是属于你的夜晚,不要让恨你的人
  [03:26.18]Don't let the haters stop you from doing your thang. 阻止你做你自己的“事体”
  [03:28.02]Did you just say "thang"? 你刚才说“事体”?
  [03:30.18]Cady, you don't have to punish yourself forever. 凯蒂,你不必永远自责
  [03:31.02]But I'm grounded. 但是我被禁足了
  [03:33.02]You're already out. 你已经出来了
  [03:47.06]All right, do we have all of our nominees 好,所有国王和王后的候选人
  [03:48.94]for king and queen on the stage? 在台上了吗?
  [03:50.42]Okay, good. 好,很好,我只是想说你们都是胜利者
  [03:52.62]I just wanted to say that you're all winners,
  [03:54.10]and I could not be happier that this school year's ending. 我很高兴,这个学年即将结束
  [03:59.98]The winner of the Spring Fling King,
  [04:00.46]Here we go. 现在,春季狂欢节国王是...
  [04:05.34]- Shane Oman. - Yes! - 谢恩·阿曼 - 耶!
  [04:09.18]That's what I'm talking about! 我说吧!
  [04:13.02]And your Spring Fling Queen, 王后是...
  [04:17.54]future co-chair of the Student Activities Board 学生会下任副主席
  [04:18.70]and winner of two gift certificates to the Walker Brothers Pancake House, 并赢得沃克兄弟薄烤饼屋
  [04:25.42]Cady Heron. 凯蒂·海伦
  [04:30.74]Where is Cady? 凯蒂在哪?
  [04:33.78]There she is. 她在那儿
  [04:52.18]Wow. Thanks. 谢谢
  [04:56.02]Well, half the people in this room are mad at me 呃,房间里半数人讨厌我
  [04:59.86]and the other half only like me 另外一半喜欢我
