高三词汇(字母) a-r(在线收听

  [00:00.00]aborigines           above all            absent               according
  [00:04.85]n.土著居民            首先;首要           adj.缺乏,不在"        a.按照;根据
  [00:09.69]according to         ache                 active               actual
  [00:14.16]根据…                vi.痛               a.积极的;主动的       a.实际的;现实的
  [00:18.63]advertisement        admire               advantage            adventure
  [00:23.86]ad.广告               vt.钦佩;羡慕        n.优点;好处          n.冒险;奇遇
  [00:29.10]advertise            aeroplane            agreement            agricultural
  [00:34.32]vt.为…做广告         n.飞机              n.契约;协议          a.农业的;农学的
  [00:39.55]aim                  aircraft             Aleutian Islands     aloud
  [00:45.13]n.目的;目标          n.飞机(单复数同)     阿留申群岛            ad.大声地
  [00:50.70]Angkor Thom          Angkor Wat            ant                  Antonio
  [00:55.88]吴哥通                吴哥窟               n.蚁;蚂蚁             n.安东尼奥(男名)
  [01:01.05]anyhow               argue                argument             ash
  [01:05.67]ad.不管怎样           vt.&vi.争论;争辩     n.辩论               n.灰,灰末
  [01:10.30]ashamed              ashtray              astonish             astonishing
  [01:15.47]a.惭愧,害臊          n.烟灰缸             vt.使惊讶             a.惊人的
  [01:20.64]at sea               at the mercy of      backward(s)          bake
  [01:26.18]在大海上;在航海       在…支配下              ad.向后              vt.烤,烘
  [01:31.72]balance              Banks                bar                  Bassanio
  [01:37.19]n.平衡                班克斯(姓)              n.棒;杆             巴萨尼奥
  [01:42.66]battle               battlefield          bay                  be in love with
  [01:48.09]n.战役;战斗           n.战场              n.湾;海湾           与…相爱
  [01:53.53]be proud of          be seated            be worth doing       beam
  [01:58.84]为…而自豪            坐下,坐着           值得做…              n.平衡木
  [02:04.16]bear                 bee                  believe in           bench
  [02:08.78]n.熊                 n.蜜蜂               相信;信任            n.长凳;工作台
  [02:13.41]Berlin               beyond               birth                biscuit
  [02:18.03]柏林(德国城市)        prep.在…的那边       n.出生;诞生         n.饼干
  [02:22.65]bitter               blame                bless                board
  [02:27.08]a.怀恨的;厉害的       vt.责备;责怪        vt.保佑;祝福         n.木板
  [02:31.51]body-building        Bonny                boring               botany
  [02:35.74]n.健身               邦妮(女名)            a.令人厌烦的          n.植物;植物学
  [02:39.97]box                  break                downbreak into       break off
  [02:44.65]vi.拳击              (把化合物等)分解      破门而入;闯入        打断;折断
  [02:49.33]break up             brick                bring in             bucket
  [02:53.70]分解;腐蚀            n.砖;砖块           引入;增加            n.铲斗;桶
  [02:58.08]burst                burst into tears     butcher              cafe
  [03:02.70]vi.突然发生           突然哭起来           vt.屠宰n.屠夫         n.咖啡馆;餐馆
  [03:07.32]Cairo                calm                 Cambodia             Cambodian
  [03:12.10]n.开罗(埃及首都)      a.镇静的;沉着的      n.柬埔寨(亚洲)        n.柬埔寨人(语)
  [03:16.88]camp                 carpet               carry on             cash crop
  [03:21.67]vi.野营;宿营         n.地毯;毛毯         继续下去;继续开展     经济作物
  [03:26.45]cave                 celebrate            change one's mind    chart
  [03:31.13] n.山洞              vt.庆祝               改变注意              vt.制…的海(或地)图
  [03:35.82]cheek                cheer                Cincinnati           clap
  [03:40.09]n.面颊,脸蛋          vi.欢呼;喝采        n.辛辛那提(美国城市)  vi.拍手;鼓掌
  [03:44.37]clothing             coastline            cocoa                cold-blooded
  [03:48.99] n.(总称)衣服         n.海岸线             n.可可树;可可粉       a.(动物)冷血的
  [03:53.61]collar               comb                 comfort              comment
  [03:58.18]n.衣领;硬领         vt.梳(头发)           n.安慰;慰藉vt.安慰   n.评论
  [04:02.76]companion            counter              courage              court
  [04:07.72]n.同伴;同事         n.柜台                n.勇气,胆略          n.法庭
  [04:12.68]courtyard            crazy                crew                 cure
  [04:17.76]n.庭院,院子         a.疯狂的              n.全体船员            vt.&n.治疗;痊愈
  [04:22.84]Curie                curiously            curtain              cushion
  [04:27.56]居里(姓)            ad.好奇地;稀奇古怪地    n.窗帘               n.垫子
  [04:32.27]damp                 day by day           debt                 defeat
  [04:37.80]n.&a.潮湿            一天天地               n.债务;欠款         vt.战胜;击败
  [04:43.32]defence              defend               definite             delight
  [04:48.16]n.防御;防务          vt.防守;保卫         n.快乐               vt.使快乐
  [04:52.99]delighted            department store     description          desert
  [04:57.82]a.高兴的;快乐的      百货商场              n.描述               vt.舍弃;遗弃
  [05:02.65]desire               determination        devote               devote to
  [05:07.58]vt.要求;期望n.欲望   n.决心               vt.奉献              把…献于;把…用于
  [05:12.50]dingo                dirt                 disadvantage         disappoint
  [05:16.93]n.澳洲的一种野狗      n.污物;脏物;泥土地  n.不利条件;弱点      vt.使失望
  [05:21.36]disappointing        disappointment       disaster             do the deed
  [05:26.44]a.令人失望的          n.失望;沮丧         n.灾难,祸患          付诸行动;生效
  [05:31.52]downtown             drawer               drawing              drill
  [05:35.75]n&a.市区的           n.抽屉                n.绘图;图画          vt.钻孔;在…上钻孔
  [05:39.98]drop                 ducat                dull                 effect
  [05:44.36]vi.滴                n.欧洲通用的金币      a.阴暗的;单调无味      n.效果;作用
  [05:48.73]elder                Endeavour            endless              environment
  [05:53.07]n.长者;前辈         n.奋力号(航船的名字)   a.无止境的;没完的     n.环境
  [05:57.41]envy                 Eric                 European Union       exist
  [06:02.33]vt.忌妒;羡慕         n.埃里克(男名)       欧洲联盟               vi.存在
  [06:07.26]expedition           express              failure              fair
  [06:12.04]n.远征(队);探险(队)  vt.表达;表示         n.失败                 a.(肤色)白皙的
  [06:16.82]faith                fall ill             fall to pieces       FALSE
  [06:21.44]n.信仰;信念          患病                 崩溃;倒塌              a.不正确的;假的
  [06:26.06]fan                  farmland             fear                 feather
  [06:29.55]n.风扇               n.农田                n.害怕;恐惧;担忧       n.羽毛
  [06:33.04]fellow               fence                fever                fierce
  [06:37.22]n.同伴;伙伴          n.篱笆;栅栏          n.发烧,发热          a.猛烈的
  [06:41.40]fiercely             firm                 fix up               flash
  [06:46.02]ad.拼命地;狂热地     n.公司;企业          安顿;修理好          n.闪光;转瞬间
  [06:50.64]flat                 flesh                flight               Ford
  [06:55.18]n.楼中一套房间        n.肉                 n.楼梯的一段           n.福特(人名)
  [06:59.71]forever              for ever fortunate   fountain             fragile
  [07:04.44]永远                 a.幸运的;侥幸的       n.喷泉                a.易碎的
  [07:09.17]freeway              friendship           frog                 from then on
  [07:13.79]高速公路              n.友谊;友好           n.蛙                 从那时起
  [07:18.41]fully                gain                 gather               get rid of
  [07:22.68]ad.完全地;          vt.赢得;挣得 充分地   vi.&vt.聚集;采集     处理;去掉
  [07:26.96]gift                 give birth to        give off             glance
  [07:31.98]n.赠品;礼物          生;产生             发出(光等)             vi.匆匆一看;一瞥
  [07:37.01]glove                go by                go over              goat
  [07:41.39]n.手套               走过;经过;          仔细检查               n.山羊
  [07:45.76]golden               goose                graduation           gram
  [07:50.33]a.金(黄)色的          n.鹅;鹅肉           n.毕业                  n.克(重量单位)
  [07:54.91]Great Barrier Reef   greedy               Greek                greet
  [07:59.74]大堡礁               a.贪婪的              n&a.希腊人(语)         vt.问候;向…致敬
  [08:04.57]greeting             grey                 ground floor         gymnastics
  [08:09.34]祝贺,问候            a.灰色的;灰白的      (英)楼房的底层          a.体操
  [08:14.11]gymnast              gym                  ham                  hand down
  [08:18.98] n.体操运动员         n.体操;体育馆        n.火腿               把…传下来
  [08:23.85]hand in hand         handsome             handstand            have...to do with
  [08:28.77]并进;联合             a.英俊的              n.倒立               与…有关
  [08:33.70]Hawaii               heart and soul       help oneself to      hibernate
  [08:39.03]n.夏威夷(美国州名)    全心全意地           请随便吃点…;自取      vi.冬眠
  [08:44.36]hibernation          high-rise            high-rise block      hilly
  [08:49.44]n.冬眠               a.多层的;高层的      高楼;大厦             a.多小山的;丘陵的
  [08:54.52]hold out             Holland              HongKong             hopeless
  [08:59.59]伸出                 n.荷兰(欧洲)            n.香港(=Hong Kong)    a.绝望的;无望的
  [09:04.65]hot dog              housewife            humour               humorous
  [09:09.28]n.热狗(红肠面包)      n.家庭主妇           n.幽默,幽默感        a.富于幽默的
  [09:13.90]importance           in a flash           in a word            in actual fact
  [09:19.37] n.重要性            一刹那间              总之,简言之          事实上
  [09:24.85]in battle            in charge of         in debt              in honour of
  [09:29.98]在战斗中             主管;负责             负债;欠帐            为向…表示敬意
  [09:35.11]in search            of inch              indeed               industrial
  [09:40.28]寻找                 n.英寸                ad.确实;实在        a.工业的
  [09:45.46]insert               institute            irrigate             irrigation
  [09:50.88]vt.插入              n.(研究)所,院        vt.灌溉              n.灌溉
  [09:56.30]Italy                Italian              jam                  jar
  [10:01.17]n.意大利(欧洲         n.意大利人(语)        n.果酱              n.罐子;坛子
  [10:06.04]Java                 jokingly             judge                judgement
  [10:10.72]n.爪哇岛(印尼)        ad.开玩笑地          n.裁判;法官          n.裁判
  [10:15.39]justice              kangaroo             keep off             keep one's balance
  [10:20.62]n.正义,公正          n.大袋鼠  让开;       不接近                保持平衡
  [10:25.84]keep up              kindergarten         koala                Koori
  [10:30.53]保持;维持;继续      n.幼儿园             n.考拉               n.古利人
  [10:35.22]landowner            lead                 leak                 learned
  [10:39.84]n.地主;土地所有者     n.铅                vi.漏;渗            a.有才华的;博学的
  [10:44.47]leftover             Legend               Legend Corporation   Group Corporation
  [10:49.80]a.剩余的;剩下的      n.联想               联想计算机            集团公司
  [10:55.12]librarian            lightning            lip                  litre
  [10:59.68]n.图书馆管理员        n.闪电               n.嘴唇               n.升;公升
  [11:04.24]live                 Liverpool            loose                lose one's voice
  [11:09.23]a.活的;活着的        n.利物浦(英国港市)    a.松散的;宽松的     失音;嗓子哑
  [11:14.22]loss                 luggage              lung                 madame
  [11:19.35]n.丧失;损耗         n.(总称)行李          n.肺,肺脏            n.女士;夫人;小姐
  [11:24.49]maid                 mailbox              mainland             major
  [11:29.36]n.女仆;侍女          n.邮筒;邮箱          n.大陆                a.较大的;主要的
  [11:34.23]make a promise       make sense           Marie                Marxism
  [11:39.25]答应,允诺           讲得通;很有意义       玛丽(女名)             n.马克思主义
  [11:44.26]mass                 masses of            mat                  menu
  [11:48.83]n.众多;大量         大多数,大部分          n.垫子                n.菜单;菜谱
  [11:53.40]merchant             mercy                merciful             microcomputer
  [11:58.54]a.商业的;商人的      n.怜悯               a.仁慈的,宽大的       n.微机
  [12:03.67]midday               Miles                mineral              misunderstanding
  [12:08.59]n.中午               迈尔斯(姓)            n.矿物;无机物        n.误会,误解
  [12:13.52]moneylender          motherland           mountainous          mud
  [12:17.35]n.放债者             n.祖国                a.多山的              n.泥,泥浆
  [12:21.17]multiply             nature               neatly               Nerissa
  [12:26.85]vt.乘;使相乘         n.性质;种类          ad.熟练地;灵巧地     n.尼莉莎(女名)
  [12:32.54]New Zealand          now and again        nowhere              obviously
  [12:37.51]n.新西兰(大洋洲)      时而                  任何地方都不          ad.显然地
  [12:42.49]on board             on the point of      once in a while      oneself
  [12:47.66]在船上                正要…的时候           偶尔,间或           pron. 自己
  [12:52.83]onion                opposite             outdoors             overcoat
  [12:57.86]n.洋葱,洋葱头        a.相反的             ad.在户外;在野外      n.大衣
  [13:02.89]ownership            ox                   part-time            pass byn.
  [13:08.18]所有制               n.公牛,牛            a.兼职的              经过
  [13:13.47]passage              pause                pay off              percentage
  [13:18.75]n.通道;走廊         vi.停留n.中止,暂停    偿清(欠款等)          n.百分率
  [13:24.02]pest                 physical             pie                  pile
  [13:27.71]n.害虫               a.身体的;体力上       n.馅饼               n.堆
  [13:31.39]pink                 plain                planet               play the role of
  [13:36.82]a.粉红色的           a.家常的;普通的        n.行星               扮演…角色
  [13:42.26]poet                 Poland               politician           polonium
  [13:47.09]n.诗人               n.波兰(欧洲)           n.政治家             n.钋
  [13:51.92]Portia               post                 poster               postman
  [13:56.70]n.鲍西娅(女名)        n.职位 vt.投寄        n.招贴;广告(画)      n.邮递员
  [14:01.48]precious             pride                product              punishment
  [14:06.35]a.宝贵的,珍贵的      n.自豪                 n.产品;成品         n.惩罚
  [14:11.23]purse                Quebec               queen
  [14:15.01]n.钱包               n.魁北克(加拿大省名)     n.皇后
  [14:18.80]radioactive          radium               raise                rather than
  [14:24.23]a.放射性的            n.镭                   vt.使升高;饲养        而不;非
  [14:29.67]ray                  reception            reception desk       recycle
  [14:35.19]光线;射线            n.接待               接待处                n.回收;再循环
  [14:40.72]regret               relation             remark               repay
  [14:46.56]n.遗憾;抱歉          n.关系;亲属         n.陈述;话;议论        vt.偿还,付还(钱等)
  [14:52.40]replace              require              researcher           reuse
  [14:58.57]vt.取代              vt.需要;要求         n.研究人员           vt.重新使用
  [15:04.75]review               role                 Rome                 round up
  [15:09.53]vt.检查;复审;复习   n.角色               n.罗马(意大利首都)    赶拢;使集拢
  [15:14.31]rubber               rubbish              ruin
  [15:17.73]n.橡胶;合成橡胶      n.垃圾;废物          vt.毁坏;毁灭
