NPR 2011-09-28(在线收听

 Roughly two and a half percent gains in major US market indexes today with the DOW up around three hundred point eleven thousand three hundred thirty four last night.So investors are hopeful.European leaders are closer to getting a handle long their debt crisis.In Greece finance minister says his country will recessive the next round of loans from its international lenders to avoid to fall.Race was at rist of running out of money by middle Octobor.In Germany Chansler A said her country will do whatever was necessary to help that traveler Grace Ana to restore confidence in the Euro-zoon.Both M and prime minister speoke to businesses leaders today in Berlin as NPR's Q has the details from the German capital.

Chansler A told the gatherring of Germany industrilist.Europe can not spend its way out of the debt crisis.And she reiterated the Germany would do what it takes to help Greece to stability.
Greece all required assistance she said but the important thing is that the Greece wins back trust.We get way from this P of new horse storys every month.So the markets get the impressing Greece really is on a good path to recovery she added.At the same meeting Greece prime minister Joge vowed that his country will come out of this crisis with this stronger more competitive transparent economy but many are unconvinced the European leaders are taking bold enough steps fast enough to stop problem from spreading.A NPRnews Berlin.
The doctor charged in the death of music Machell jackson is on trial that was in Los Anglos but Jackson's relatives in the court house recording of the Pop star slard words but he was on a powerful aspect that was sited as the cause of death weeks later.
Until his relief was heal.When he believes I heal.
In this message,taken from doctor C cellphone Jackson talks about plans ...a coming back concert.In openning statement prosecutors argue the doctor should know better than to keep Jackson on ...
The state department is holding public listenning sessions in B on a controversial proposal oil pipeline.We have more from NPR's Jafe.
The port said the pipeline will create new jobs at the time of the US needs.And they argue it was speed oil into the country from a friendly neighboor.But opponent called oil from A,T,D.Because producing increase more pollution in traditional oil production.Some farmers are also worried the pipeline could pollute the huge of G the state depend on for water.Additional hearring will be held in Taxes,Oklahoma and Washington DC.But a decission on wether to approve the cross border pipeline is expected later this year.Jafe NPRnews.
This is NPR.
In the first ever government count of married gay couples in the United States S says that as of last year there were nearly one hundred thirty two thousand same ex-couples who said they had tied to not.In a count for about twenty percent of an estimate six hundred fourty six thousand gay couples in the US included in the ....count.Gay marriage is legal in six states and in district of Columbia.
In the Philipin at least sixteen people are dead after Typhoon battled the country's main island of L,leaving some of the worst flooding at the capital...years.From N S reports rain continues to fall as Typhoon S acrosses the sourth C to Vietnam.
Typhoon N slammed into the Philipin stumping heavy rain all day on the capital M and about two dozens provinces got reach one hundred fifteen miles a hour.Broadcasters say a storm search combined with hi-taied cost waste Tai flooding that close off M steet and main car's float.The head of the civial defence office M says M agencies are helping flood victims get food and medicine as well as shelter.
In the capital strong winds knocked a wall that buried a woman and her three small grand child.A power outrage left nearly two million people in the dark.L has around fourty eight million residents.For NPRnews I am N in M.
Libia television broadcasted images reported to be from a son ousted dictator M.P .....Islam state September 20th the several weeks after he was lasting in public.This is NPR.