英语听力:听电影学英语-高校天后/青春舞会皇后 15(在线收听

  [00:04.16]And I am not gonna let you ruin it for me. 我不会让你毁掉这出戏的
  [00:14.28]We have all had enough. 我们都已经受够了
  [00:17.28]Have you? 你呢?
  [00:20.56]Have you finally had enough? 你算完了吗?
  [00:26.04]'Cause we lost it all 我们已经失败了
  [00:29.60]Nothing lasts forever 没有什么是绝对的
  [00:31.80]I'm sorry 对不起
  [00:34.80]I can't be perfect 我无法完美
  [00:45.32]I sunk into a depression that only Hamlet would recognize. 我跌到失望的谷底 也许只有哈姆莱特能体会我的心情
  [00:47.20]The one story I'd told that was both probable and possible 我说的完全都是可行的
  [00:52.96]was the one that was true. 而且都已经发生了
  [00:54.04]And yet no one believed me. 可是仍然没有人相信我
  [00:54.52]Maybe you can never win 也许在这个世界上
  [00:56.32]against the Carla Santinis of this world. 没有人能打败卡拉·桑提提了
  [00:58.12]I'd never felt so totally defeated. 我从未感到如此失败
  [01:02.28]I felt more like a pigeon than a flamingo. 我现在感觉更像只鸽子 而不是火烈鸟
  [01:06.60]Mary? Ella's here. 玛丽? 埃拉来了
  [01:08.48]Go ahead. 进来
  [01:10.88]I want to talk to you. 我想和你谈谈
  [01:13.24]You can cut the crap. 别胡说了
  [01:14.92]I know what you're doing. 我知道你在干吗
  [01:15.44]What happened to the most polite girl in all of New Jersey? 全新泽西最有礼貌的女孩现在怎么了?
  [01:19.10]What does it matter anymore? We know we went to the party. 现在这有什么重要? 我们确实去了聚会
  [01:23.96]We know who we met and what we did. 我们知道我们见到了谁 都做了些什么
  [01:28.08]Get up! 起来!
  [01:29.72]I can't. 我不
  [01:30.72]I just can't. 我就不
  [01:32.92]Has anyone seen Lola Steppe? 有人看见洛拉·斯黛了吗?
  [01:37.52]Has anyone seen Lola Steppe? Lola? 有人看见洛拉·斯黛了吗? 洛拉?
  [01:39.48]You know, I really am sick. 你知道,我真的很不舒服
  [01:42.16]You're bailing out of the play. 你想逃避演出
  [01:42.48]I mean, ask my mom. 不信去问我妈
  [01:43.76]I'm not buying it. 我才不信呢
  [01:45.44]You know, here I am, so sick this could turn into pneumonia, 看看我现在的样子 再严重一些的话就会变成肺炎了
  [01:47.32]and then I'll be on my deathbed, and you're being accusatory. 然后我就会死掉 你就准备接受指责吧
  [01:50.04]You can't do this, Lola. 你不能这样,洛拉
  [01:53.40]Everyone is depending on you. 每个人都靠你了
  [01:55.88]What about your parents and Sam? 你想想你的父母,还有萨姆
  [01:58.96]Sam has never been to a school function in his life. 萨姆以前从未去看过 学校的演出
  [01:59.84]He's only going because of you. 他今天去全为了看你
  [02:02.16]Lola! 洛拉!
  [02:03.44]Lola Steppe, my Eliza. 洛拉·斯黛 我的伊莱扎
  [02:04.92]Get out of my way. 别挡着我
  [02:08.24]One hour till curtain. 离演出还有一小时
  [02:13.68]What about me? 那么我呢?
  [02:16.76]I was miserable until you came to Dellwood. 在你来到戴尔丛林之前 我都十分痛苦
  [02:21.04]I thought everyone's life was like mine. 我以为每个人的生活 都和我一样
  [02:24.92]Doing everything you're supposed to do 需要的时候
  [02:25.88]when you're supposed to do it. 你就循规蹈矩得做事
  [02:26.60]Never questioning anything. 什么也别问
  [02:33.28]The only thing I could expect when I grew up 我唯一能期待的就是 我长大了以后
  [02:34.44]was a life like my parents'. 能像我的父母一样的生活
  [02:38.44]And then I met you. 幸运的是我遇到了你
  [02:42.92]You gave me courage, Lola. 你给了我勇气,洛拉
  [02:48.36]Because of you, I'm brave enough to be different. 有了你,我才敢尝试不一样的东西
  [02:55.76]Don't touch me! 别碰我!
  [02:57.72]You're a sham! 你真不争气!
  [02:59.28]The one thing Carla can't do anything about 卡拉无法改变的是
  [03:01.08]is you being Eliza Doolittle. 你来主演伊莱扎·杜利特尔
  [03:03.68]You're just gonna hand it to her. 而你却要亲手把机会 让给她
  [03:08.72](Knock on door) (敲门声)
  [03:10.12]KAREN: Mary, I left word with your dad. 凯伦: 玛丽,我给你爸爸留过话了
  [03:12.96]Should I call Miss Baggoli? 要我给玛格丽女士打电话吗?
  [03:20.16]I've had a miraculous recovery. 我突然感觉好多了
  [03:20.40]No. 不
  [03:33.48]I need to be sure. 我要确定一下
  [03:35.96]Are you up to this? 你真的准备好演吗?
  [03:37.48]Up to it? Miss Baggoli, I was born to play Eliza. 准备?玛格丽女士 我生来就是为了演伊莱扎
  [03:38.08]Get into costume for the opening. 穿上演出服去参加开幕式
  [03:42.44]Knock 'em dead! 给他们个惊喜!
  [03:42.96]Knock 'em dead! 给他们个惊喜!
  [03:46.84]It even amazes me that I get everything that I want. 连我都感到不可思议 我能鱼和熊掌兼得
  [03:49.60]Oh-oh 哦-哦
  [03:52.32]Get out of my dress. 脱下我的裙子
  [03:53.48]- As of right now, I'm Eliza. - Get out of my dress! - 现在,我才是伊莱扎 - 脱下我的裙子!
  [03:53.96]- Enjoy the show. - Thanks. I will. - 演出快乐 - 谢谢,我会的
  [03:57.96]Oh, and get out of my first costume! 哦,别忘了脱下我的演出服
  [03:59.04]Five minutes till curtain, people. 离演出还有5分钟
  [04:00.64]Five minutes. 5分钟
  [04:05.60]No! 不!
  [04:06.40]Get out of my dress. 脱下我的裙子
  [04:08.28]- No! - Get out of that dress! - 不! - 脱下我的裙子!
  [04:08.52]Get out of my dress! 脱下我的裙子!
  [04:10.28]Ohh! 哦!
  [04:13.88]Sorry, Miss Baggoli. 对不起,巴格丽女士
  [04:15.92]I'm so glad to see you. 你来了我真高兴
  [04:19.44]Do you want an ice cream? 想吃冰淇淋吗?
  [04:24.68]Hey. 嘿
  [04:26.36]You're gonna be great. 你一定会演得很好的
  [04:27.76]I'm scared. I'll admit it. 我承认 我有些紧张
  [04:28.28]But I'm excited, too. 同时我很激动
  [04:31.16]Don't be afraid. 别害怕
  [04:34.44]You're gonna be wonderful, Lola. 你是最棒的,洛拉
  [04:41.28]You called me Lola. 你刚才叫我洛拉?
  [04:41.76]You are a Lola. 你就是洛拉
  [04:43.10]Good luck! 祝你好运!
