AP 2011-10-15(在线收听

 The Republican presidential candidates are getting ready for their next debate tonight. Meanwhile, A \ university poll has H. King and Mitt Romney tied at the top.  Support of Texas governor Rick Perry has plummeted over the pass month from 25% to 11%. 

Federal prosecutors gave opening statements in the trail of a Nigerian man known underwear bomber today. Authorities say the 24-year old man was on a terrorist mission for Al Qaeda to kill 300 people and to go to heaven as a murder.
Mexico's Pacific coast is getting ready for hurricane Jova. The category 3 storm is expected to strike the coastline this afternoon or evening causing high waves and serious flooding. Forecasters say if Jova stays on track its center will hit south of P.
Authorities in Hungary confiscated about a hundred weapons on their way to the set of Bad P's new movie, World War Z. They say the machine guns, rifles, pistols and other weapons had not been properly deactivated. 