天籁音乐:Crooked Still-Florence(在线收听

Crooked Still,04年成立的乡村乐队,没有吉他贝斯,歌曲中洋溢的是提琴、班卓琴的精致旋律,女声清甜可人,这首Florence的前奏总让人觉得非常熟悉,似乎是回荡在记忆中很久远了的音乐。


Crooked Still

Not many years their rounds shall roll
Each moment brings it nigh
And all your glories stand revealed
To our admiring eye
You wills of nature speed your course,
You mortal powers decay
Fast as you bring the night of death
You bring eternal day

You weary heavy-laden souls
Who are oppressed sore
You travelers through the wilderness
To Canaan’s peaceful shore
Through beating winds and chilly rains,
And waters deep and cold
And enemies surrounding you
Have courage and be bold

The storms and hurricanes arise
The desert all around
And fiery serpent soft appear
Through the enchanted ground
Dark night and clouds and gloomy fear
And dragons often roar
But when the gospel trump we hear
We’ll press for Canaan’s shore
