英语听力:听电影学英语—泰山 07(在线收听

  [00:04.66]Oh, Terk, I've never seen him so happy. 托托  我从来没见过他这么开心耶
  [00:08.70]Eh, I give it a week. 能开心多久
  [00:15.70]-Come on. -All right, move it, you field rats. -拔营啦  -用点力
  [00:15.74]Cut her loose! 可以砍断啦
  [00:20.74]Put your back into it. 让一让  大个子
  [00:23.90]Wait, please. Don't... I've waited 30 years for this, 等一等呀  等一等  我等了三十多年
  [00:27.22]and I won't leave until I see a gorilla. 就想见识一下猩猩的世界  没看到我不走...
  [00:28.78]Oh, isn't this dreadful, Tarzan? 喔... 真可惜呀
  [00:30.78]Whoa! No, no. wait. 把我放下来啊
  [00:37.78]You're the captain. 你是船长
  [00:41.06]Just tell them you've had engine trouble 就说引擎有毛病
  [00:42.82]And be late at every port from here to London? 一班拖  班班都拖  这是要去伦敦呀
  [00:46.30]We'll have come all this way for nothing. 那我们这趟就白来了耶
  [00:46.82]I'm sorry, Miss Porter, but I simply can't do it. 抱歉! 布小姐  恕难从命
  [00:50.86]Agh! This is your fault. 都是你的错
  [00:52.90]I should've followed my instincts 要是用我的方法
  [00:54.86]and set traps for the beasts. 早就把那些野兽给找出来了
  [00:56.86]Don't you think I'm disappointed about the gorillas? 你以为没见到它们我不失望吗
  [00:58.54]You are absolutely impos... 你真是不可理喻
  [01:02.90]Tarzan! I was so afraid you wouldn't come in time. 泰山  我好担心见不到你
  [01:05.90]The boat's arrived. The boat that's... 船来了  他们是来...
  [01:08.14]come to take us home to England. 接我们回家的  回英国
  [01:10.94]And daddy and I were wond... Well, I was wondering... 我还有我爸... 希望你能...
  [01:14.94]Well, we really hope that you'll come with us. 希望你可以跟我们一起回去
  [01:17.78]Won't you? 你会吗?
  [01:20.98]Go see England today, come home tomorrow. 今天去英国  明天就回来
  [01:24.86]Oh, no. 喔! 不  不行
  [01:25.98]Well, you see, it would be very difficult to come back... ever. 如果到了那边想再回来... 很难
  [01:31.02]Not come back? 不回来?
  [01:33.46]Oh, no, no. I know it sounds awful, 我知道听起来很怪
  [01:34.02]but you belong with us. 你应该跟我们在一起
  [01:34.90]-With people. -Jane must stay with Tarzan. -因为你是人啊  -珍妮留下陪泰山
  [01:37.90]Wh... Stay here? Oh, no, no. My laundry. 我留下? 喔! 不...
  [01:42.06]No, I can't stay. Look, I've got... 我不可能留下来的
  [01:46.06]I've got my father and... 我... 还有爸爸... 我...
  [01:49.26]Jane, stay. 珍妮  留下
  [01:52.10]-But... -Please. -可是...  -好吗?
  [01:57.10]But... I can't. 可是  我不能...
  [02:00.54]Women! 女人
  [02:04.34]How typical! Thank you, Jones. 典型的女人  谢谢你  阿忠
  [02:07.22]Even if you hadn't grown up a savage, you'd be lost. 你就算受过教育  也处理不了这种事情的
  [02:11.58]There are no trails through a woman's heart. 女人的感情是变的很快的
  [02:14.18]Jane is going. 珍妮要走
  [02:16.18]Yes. If only she could've spent more time with the gorillas. 是啊! 来了这么久连她想看的猩猩都没有看到
  [02:22.22]She's so disappointed. 她当然会失望
  [02:25.14]Crushed, really. 难免会伤心嘛
  [02:27.22]Sorry, old boy. 嗯! 算了  小子
  [02:30.26]Oh, well. I'd best get Jane's things to the ship. 喔! 对喔  我要把珍妮的衣服箱子拿上船去了
  [02:38.26]Clayton! 克里顿
  [02:41.30]If Jane sees gorillas, 珍妮看到猩猩
  [02:43.30]she stays? 会留下来吗?
  [02:45.30]Say, that's why she came, isn't it? 会呀! 她就是为这个来的嘛
  [02:51.94]I'll do it. 我想办法
  [02:52.34]-Good man! Snipes? -sir? -太好啦! 斯奈普斯  -长官
  [02:55.34]Get the boys together. There's gonna be a change in plans. 叫大家集合  计划有点改变
  [02:59.18]Terk, all you have to do is get Kerchak out of the way. 托托  把哥查带开一下就好了
  [03:02.38]-What? -I'd be happy to get kerchak... -什么?  -把哥查带开容易  我可以啊
  [03:04.38]Shut your trunk and get me outta here. 嘿! 闭上你的象嘴带我离开
  [03:07.38]Can you believe that guy? 他这算是什么朋友嘛
  [03:10.42]Drops us like a newborn giraffe... Kerplop! 丢下我们连头都不回就走了
  [03:12.50]Now waltzes in here and expects us to just... 他简直就不是他了嘛  怎么会说变就变了呢! 搞什么
  [03:17.42]Terk, I'm asking you as a friend. 托托  算我求你好吗
  [03:21.50]With the face and the eyes, and the... 你看他那张脸  那双眼睛...

  [03:25.46]All right! 好啦
  [03:27.46]But don't make me do anything embarrassing. 可是你不能让我出丑总可以吧
  [03:30.50]I'm gonna kill him! 我一定要找他算帐
  [03:34.02]A-actually, I thought that dress was rather slimming on you. 我还觉得这件衣服让你看起来瘦了很多
  [03:36.50]Oh, really? I thought it was a little revealing and kind of... 是吗? 我觉得有点太暴露了耶
  [03:42.54]How does she move in this thing? 我穿上这个都不好跑...
  [03:46.50]Look out! 小心!
  [04:14.70]-Oh, look, daddy. -Where? Wh... wh... -爸! 你看  -在哪? 在哪?
  [04:19.86]Jane! 珍妮
  [04:22.90]Be careful, professor. 教授  小心一点  别吓着它了
  [04:29.74]She's my mother. 她是我妈妈
  [04:31.74]Th... this is your... 她... 是你的...
  [04:35.74]Mother. 妈妈
  [04:46.78]Wh-what's happening? 他在说什么啊?
  [04:49.02]I don't know, daddy. 我也不知道  爸...
  [04:50.66]Oh, it's getting away! 它要跑掉啦
  [04:52.82]No! You'll only frighten her more. 克里顿  不要  你这样会吓到她
