英语听力:听电影学英语—天使与魔鬼 13(在线收听

  [00:05.00]God help us. 我的老天
  [00:22.84]Santa Maria della Vittoria. Do you know it? 你知道胜利圣母堂在哪里?
  [00:24.28]Yes, I do. - It's the next church. - 我知道 - 那就是下一座教堂
  [00:45.20]I think someone just tried to kill me. 我觉得有人想杀我
  [00:46.88]Professor, I promise you, we had no idea. - He knows I'm here? - 教授,我跟你保证,我们并不知道… - 歹徒知道我在这里
  [00:49.12]- Yes. - You heard me ask permission. You gave me an escort. - 没错 - 你知道我要进藏书室又护送我进去
  [00:51.12]Yes, but we had no idea that portions of our white zones were crosswired with that building. 没错,但我们不知道管制区部份管线 连接到藏书室
  [00:58.20]Commander Richter was extending the search. 理查队长下令扩大搜索
  [00:59.72]If he had known the archives were on that grid, he never would have killed the power. 如果他知道就不会切断电源
  [01:02.64]But there is the other possibility. 但还有另一种可能
  [01:05.92]Is it conceivable the Illuminati... 可想而知,瑞士禁卫队里面
  [01:08.32]have infiltrated the Swiss Guard? 有光明会的奸细?
  [01:14.60]Perhaps. 或许吧
  [01:26.92]The journals. Where are they? 日志在哪里?
  [01:30.48]Who took the journals from this desk? 谁拿走桌里的日志?
  [01:43.00]Signore, this is unacceptable. 阁下,你不能进来
  [01:47.60]For a Camerlengo to enter the chapel once conclave has begun. 秘密会议期间禁止教宗随侍 进入礼拜堂
  [01:51.52]Forgive me. 原谅我
  [01:53.04]There's been a development. 情况有变
  [02:05.72]His Holiness Celestine was murdered! - Is it so inconceivable that it will happen again? - 教宗切莱斯廷是被人谋杀 - 这种不可思议的事怎么可能再发生?
  [02:12.36]Signori, please, a moment. Please. Signori. 诸位,请听我说,拜托
  [02:16.80]Our church is at war. 天主教会正处于一场战争
  [02:22.36]We are under attack from an old enemy. 我们受到宿敌攻击
  [02:25.40]The Illuminati. 就是光明会
  [02:26.16]They have struck us from within. 他们由内打击教廷
  [02:30.68]Murdering our Holy Father! 杀了教宗
  [02:31.00]And threatening us all with destruction at the hands of their new God 'Science'. 用手上握有的科学神威,威胁要铲除 天主教会
  [02:38.36]They call it retribution. They think it justified... 光明会理所当然进行复仇
  [02:39.96]because of the Church's attacks on men of science in the distant past and it's true. 因为教廷过去确实曾打压科学家
  [02:45.12]Since the days of Galileo, this church has tried to slow the relentless march of progress. 天主教会从伽利略时代试图压制 科学的突飞猛进
  [02:51.52]Sometimes with misguided means. 采取手段有时失当
  [02:55.08]But science and religion are not enemies. 但是宗教和科学两者并非对立
  [02:58.60]There are simply some things that science is just too young to understand. 只是科学发展太过迅速,对某些事 仍然懵懂无知
  [03:04.40]So the Church pleads, "Stop. " 因此教廷放下身段喊停
  [03:05.32]"Slow down. " “停下来”
  [03:08.24]"Think. Wait. " “等一下,想一想”
  [03:08.64]And, for this, they call us backwards. 却被科学家批为守旧
  [03:12.12]But who is more ignorant? 但究竟是谁愚昧无知?
  [03:14.76]The man who cannot define lightning... 是不懂光学的人?
  [03:18.84]or the man who does not respect its natural awesome power? 还是毫不敬畏自然界力量的人?
  [03:21.12]The battle is well under way, signori. 诸位,战争已经开始
  [03:24.12]We must defend ourselves. 天主教会必须起而对抗
  [03:27.24]But, what if this time, we fight their stealth with openness? 但假如我们坦然面对光明会暗箭伤人
  [03:29.76]Combat their wicked scheme with simple truth. 用真理迎战光明会邪恶阴谋
  [03:32.76]And end this brutish battle once and for all. 让这场残酷战争从此平息
  [03:36.72]If the outside world could see this church as I do... 让全世界越过重重宗教仪式
  [03:40.16]they would see a modern miracle. 反映出一个现代奇迹
  [03:40.36]looking beyond the ritual of these walls... 看到天主教会按我所说
  [03:45.52]A brotherhood of imperfect, simple souls... 教会纯粹有缺的灵魂如兄弟般
  [03:49.36]who want nothing more than to be voices of compassion in a world spinning out of control. 只想出声给予运行失控的世界怜悯
  [03:54.80]Signori, I ask.. 我要求诸位…
  [03:58.16]I pray... 恳求诸位…
  [04:01.48]that you break this conclave. 终止秘密会议
  [04:06.36]Open the doors... 走出礼拜堂
  [04:07.76]evacuate St. Peter's Square... 疏散圣伯多禄广场的群众
  [04:11.52]and tell the world the truth. 把真相公诸于世
  [04:13.04]Santa 胜利圣母堂 晚上9点58分
  [04:49.72]Get him down. 快把他救下来
