英语听力:听电影学英语—换子疑云 10(在线收听

  [00:12.66]Call it in. 叫他进来
  [00:15.94]in a 20-mile radius here inside the hour. 让他们1个小时内到
  [00:17.26]Get the coroner and every officer 去叫验尸官来 把方圆20英里内所有的警察叫来
  [00:19.02]Then put out an APB on Gordon Stewart Northcott. 给我发信息通缉高顿·斯图尔特·诺斯考特
  [00:24.78]The information's in my car. Go on. 所有的资料都在我车里,继续挖
  [00:33.22]You can stop, son. 不用再挖了,小子
  [00:38.78]You can stop now. It's over. 停下吧,够了
  [00:40.50]Hey. 嘿
  [00:42.86]We'll take it, we can take it from here. We can take it from... 我们会接手负责的,接下来交给我们 我们会…
  [00:51.14]We can take it from here, okay? It's over. 接下来我们会管的, 听到没有?够了
  [01:00.86]It's okay. 没事了
  [01:05.94]It's okay. It's okay. 没事的,没事的
  [01:06.14]It's all over. 都结束了
  [01:10.10]Okay? 没事了?
  [01:10.90]File. 文件
  [01:19.06]Privacy, please. 大家回避
  [01:27.14]I see that you've been refusing medication, requiring force feeding. 我知道你一直拒绝药物治疗,所以我们将强制服用
  [01:30.38]All right, Michael. Lunchtime? 好了,麦克 吃午饭了?
  [01:32.50]Six days, Mrs. Collins, and no progress. 柯林斯太太,已经6天了 一点效果都没有
  [01:36.14]We may have to move on to more strenuous therapies. 我们可能有必要采用一些更激进的疗法了
  [01:39.66]Unless you're willing to prove that you're doing better 除非你愿意向我们证明说你的病情开始好转了
  [01:44.98]by signing this. 只要你签掉这个
  [01:49.18]Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. 去死吧,让你马上风死吧
  [01:57.14]Room 18. 关她去18号房间
  [02:06.66]I want to talk to somebody in charge, right now! 我现在就要见负责人
  [02:10.46]Please. 你是谁?
  [02:12.82]Who is in charge here? 这里谁负责的?
  [02:14.74]Open. 打开
  [02:18.18]You're the doctor who locked up Christine Collins? 你就是把克莉斯汀·柯林斯关起来的那个医生?
  [02:18.70]I'm the head doctor on duty. 我是这里当值的主治医师
  [02:21.50]Oh, I'm sorry, sir. 哦,对不起,先生
  [02:23.30]We don't discuss cases with anyone other than family. 对于家属之外的人员,我们不便透露病情
  [02:23.70]Oh, you'll damn well discuss this one. Read it. 是吗,你这该死的家伙能解释这个么 自己看
  [02:26.78]Read it. 给我好好看
  [02:28.38]Sir. 先生
  [02:34.10]Stop. 住手
  [02:45.14]Are you or are you not prepared to sign that letter? 你到底愿不愿意签这份声明?
  [02:45.38]Mrs. Collins, one last time. 柯林斯太太,我最后问你一次
  [02:50.54]No. 我不签
  [02:54.30]You're free to leave. 你可以离开了
  [02:59.18]What? 什么?
  [03:02.06]Your clothes are in the next room. You can change there. 你的衣服在旁边的房间里,你可以在那里换衣服
  [03:07.02]In the next room? 旁边的房间?
  [03:08.42]Yes. That's right. 对,没错
  [03:10.10]See to it. 你自己去拿吧
  [03:17.46]Christ. 上帝
  [03:18.14]Long as it's not the original. 漫长地不敢想象
  [03:19.54]No, it's not. 不是的
  [03:20.94]And who is that? Is that Baker's file or Larson? 那是谁的东西?贝克的文件?还是拉尔森的?
  [03:21.06]Here it is. 给你
  [03:22.54]That's Baker. 贝克的
  [03:24.74]He said he wanted... 他说他会…
  [03:26.50]Nurse, I wanna see 护士,给我所有
  [03:29.38]every piece of paper you have on the case of Mrs. Christine Collins, 关于克莉斯汀·柯林斯太太的文件
  [03:30.18]and I want to see it right now, do you understand me? 我现在就要,你听明白没有?
  [03:32.46]Every piece. When will she be coming out? 所有的文件,她什么时候能出来?
  [03:36.54]Oh, all right. Let's... 哦,很好,我们…
  [03:38.14]Oh, it's just up ahead. 马上就能出来了
  [03:39.02]Hurricane hits West Palm Beach! 暴风袭击了西棕榈沙滩
  [03:42.22]Babe Ruth hits 53rd home run! 贝比鲁斯击出第53记本垒打
  [03:43.98]Kids found murdered in Riverside! There it is. 河岸幼童谋杀案
  [03:46.26]Biggest crime in Los Angeles history! 洛杉矶史上最残酷的犯罪!
  [03:48.98]Collins boy assumed dead! 柯林斯的孩子可能已经死了!
  [03:53.06]Read it here! Read it here! 请看这里!请看这里!
  [04:00.30]Mrs. Collins, I'm so sorry. 柯林斯太太 我很遗憾
  [04:08.46]Captain, your handling of the Christine Collins case 上尉,你处理克莉斯汀·柯林斯一案的方式
  [04:08.82]has exposed this department to public ridicule. 让警局在公众面前闹了大笑话
  [04:14.50]There is even the possibility of civil and criminal liability. 这里不仅是民事责任了,还有刑法责任
  [04:16.58]Sir, nobody could've known what was happening up at that ranch. 长官,没有人会预先知道那个农场里发生了什么
  [04:22.30]Not us, the sheriff's department, or the marshal's office. 我们不知道,治安官部门不知道 执法办公室也不会知道
  [04:22.86]And as for the Collins woman, 至于这个叫做柯林斯的女人
  [04:25.54]I'm still not convinced that her boy is among the victims up in Wineville. 我还是不太相信她的儿子也是怀恩威尔案的受害者之一
  [04:28.14]No? 你不相信?
  [04:29.82]No. 不相信
  [04:30.94]There were four other photos of missing boys that looked a lot like him. 这里还有4张失踪孩子的照片,长得都很像他
  [04:36.22]The Clark kid could've been mistaken. 那个克拉克可能认错了
  [04:37.86]Which begs the obvious question. Who cares? 但更重要的是,没人在乎他是不是认错了
  [04:38.26]Maybe he was. 可能吧
  [04:43.74]The mayor wants this to go away. 市长希望让这件事尽快被大家遗忘
  [04:44.42]Sir? 长官?
  [04:46.82]I want this to go away. 我也这样希望
  [04:49.50]The way you do that is to stop insisting that Walter Collins 你所要做的就是默认沃特·柯林斯
  [04:51.78]is not among those boys killed up at that goddamn ranch. 也是在那间该死的庄园被杀的孩子之一
  [04:56.18]Because if the boy you brought back is not Walter Collins, 因为如果你带回来的那个孩子不是沃特·柯林斯
  [04:57.74]and he's not dead up at that ranch, then where the hell is he? 而他又没有死在农庄里,那他妈的这孩子到底会在哪里?
