
   The Most Valuable Employees: Tame Tensions

  4 Workplace Peacekeepers Who Get Attention
  Furloughs, layoffs, burdened bosses, and stressed coworkers: Tension can stifleyour office and kill productivity. But if you can defusethat tension, you may also be making yourself a valuable employee, even if you're not the manager.
  "Being the office tension manager can be a wonderful reputation to have," says corporate trainer Marlene Caroselli. "Every time you resolve a conflict you really enhance your own skills."
  企业培训家Marlene Caroselli说:“成为办公室的解压经理会为你应得不错的名声,每当你解决了一次冲突,你就确确实实的提高了自己的能力。”
  Consider these four types of tension tamers:
  The Charmer
  "They know the exact moment to insert humor that breaks the tension at work," says Kathi Elster, coauthorof "Working With You Is Killing Me."
  "Working With You Is Killing Me."一书的作者Kathi Elster说:“他们能够把握最佳时机插入幽默来打破工作上的紧张。”
  The charmer doesn't crack one-liners or riff on the boss's toupee, though. Instead, she:
  1) Focuses on policies, not people. "It could be a lot of fun to make fun of a mean boss, but it doesn't cut tension because it has a dark edge and it could get you into trouble," said Elster's coauthor Katherine Crowley.
  将调侃重点放在政策上,而不是针对人。Elster的合著者Katherine Crowley说:“虽然拿吝啬的上司开玩笑会有很多乐趣,但并不会消除大家的紧张感,因为这是一个黑色地带,还有可能会给你带来麻烦。”
  2) Tests the office humor quotient. "We work with a high-tech company where all the staff have piercings and tattoos," said Crowley. "Their tension-cutting jokes are going to be very different than the jokes at a bank."
  3) Renames it. Reframe furloughs as "funloughs" and say it lightly, with confidence that everything will work out.
  重新命名。将 “furloughs”重新命名为“funloughs”,并用轻松地,相信一切都将搞定的语气说出来。
  The Big Thinker
  "Very few things are life-or-death, unless you're working in an emergency room," says Crowley.
  The big thinker puts workplace tension in perspective, cutting it by reminding people that what's happening now is temporary -- even if it is the recession.