英语歌曲:Jesse McCartney-My Baby(在线收听

以首张专辑《天使的心Beautiful Soul》在全球大破白金,出生于纽约的杰西麦卡尼,自小就开始参加地区性音乐剧的演出,小杰16岁开始展开个人的音乐事业,2004年发行的首张个人专 辑《天使的心Beautiful Soul》,迅速在全球卖出150 万张,更在台湾地区的G-Music风云榜、五大金榜都夺下冠军宝座,还连冠Hit FM、飞碟电台、 ICRT、 KISS Radio四大电台,更以超高人气拿下2005雅虎台湾搜寻榜西洋艺人第一名,创下无人匹敌的人气纪录。不仅销售成功,小杰也获得许多奖项的肯定,其中包 括荣获美国音乐奖(American Music Award)提名最佳新进艺人(Best New Artist)、MTV音乐大奖(MTV Award)提名最佳音乐录影带(Best Pop Video),以及Teen Choice Awards颁发的Breakout Artist、Choice Male Artist、Crossover Artist三项大奖!早已成为流行乐坛最受瞩目的小杰,于2006年9月发行的第二张专辑《真情守候Right Where You Want Me》,展现小杰音乐更丰富的一面,第三张作品同样在台湾开出白金唱片的傲人成绩!

My Baby

Jesse McCartney


She steps to the groove
Her body in tune
She stops the whole room
She got to everybody
The red of her lips
So hard to resist
The curve to her hip
I gotta tell somebody

I'm helplessly falling into your eyes like whoaoa
I'm hopelessly in love for the first time like whoaoa
Gotta make ya my baby
Wanna make ya my baby
Gotta make ya my baby
Wanna make ya my baby
Gotta make ya my baby
Wanna make ya my baby
Gotta make ya my baby
My baby

She throws me a sigh
A wink in her smile
I stopped and I died
Could she be looking at me
With nothing to prove
Shes makin her move
And as she walked through
Leaned in to tell me somethin

I'm helplessly falling into your eyes like whoaoa
I'm hopelessly in love for the first time like whoaoa
Gotta make ya my baby
Wanna make ya my baby
Gotta make ya my baby
Wanna make ya my baby
Gotta make ya my baby
Wanna make ya my baby
Gotta make ya my baby
Wanna make ya my baby

She took my hand and led me cross the dance floor
Everybody watching like oh no
The kind of girl you could only ever pray for
All the cameras flashing like oh no no no no
And as we left together
She whispered something soft and sweet so right
She said I'd love to love you all through the night

I'm helplessly falling into your eyes like whoaoa
I'm hopelessly in love for the first time like whoaoa
Gotta make ya my baby
Wanna make ya my baby
Gotta make ya my baby
Wanna make ya my baby
Gotta make ya my baby
Wanna make ya my baby
Gotta make ya my baby
Wanna make ya my baby

Gotta make ya
My baby
Wanna make ya
My baby
Gotta make ya
My baby
Wanna make ya
My baby
Gotta make ya
My baby
Wanna make ya
My baby
