马关条约(在线收听) |
Treaty of Shimonoseki
2005年4月17日是马关条约签订110周年。110年前的今天,北洋大臣李鸿章在日本马关签订了《马关条约》(Treaty of Shimonoseki),割让辽东半岛、台湾及澎湖列岛给日本;赔偿日本军费银二亿两……
1895年4月17日签订的马关条约,结束了第一次中日战争。条约由日方的伊藤博文和中方的李鸿章协商并签订。已饱受战争创伤的中国,又被加以苛刻的条款。马关条约结束了中国对于朝鲜的宗主权,使中方承认了朝鲜独立,同时迫使中国割让了台湾、澎湖列岛、旅顺港和辽东半岛给日本。日方还对中国强加以巨额赔款,并要求开放五个新的通商口岸。条约签订后的一周,由于俄、德、法三国的干涉,日本不情愿地宣布放弃辽东半岛和旅顺,而代之以要求中方增加额外的赔款。 马关条约(Treaty of Shimonoseki)原文节录 TREATY OF PEACE His Majesty the Emperor of Japan and His Majesty the Emperor of China, desiring to restore the blessings of peace to their countries and subjects and to remove all cause for future complications, have named as their Plenipotentiaries for the purpose of concluding a Treaty of Peace, that is to say: His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, Count ITO Hirobumi, Junii, Grand Cross of the Imperial Order of Paullownia, Minister President of State; and Viscount MUTSU Munemitsu, Junii, First Class of the Imperial Order of the Sacred Treasure, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs. And His Majesty the Emperor of China, LI Hung-chang, Senior Tutor to the Heir Apparent, Senior Grand Secretary of State, Minister Superintendent of Trade for the Northern Ports of China, Viceroy of the province of Chili, and Earl of the First Rank; and LI Ching-fong, Ex-Minister of the Diplomatic Service, of the Second Official Rank: Who, after having exchanged their full powers, which were found to be in good and proper form, have agreed to the following Articles:— 大清帝国大皇帝陛下及大日本帝国大皇帝陛下为订定和约,俾两国及其臣民重修平和,共享幸福,且杜绝将来纷纭之端。大清帝国大皇帝陛下特简大清帝国钦差头等全权大臣太子太傅文华殿大学士北洋通商大臣直隶总督一等肃毅伯爵李鸿章,大清帝国钦差全权大臣二品顶戴前出使大臣李经方; 大日本帝国大皇帝陛下特简大日本帝国全权办理大臣内阁总理大臣从二位勋一等伯爵伊藤博文,大日本帝国全权办理大臣外务大臣从二位勋一等子爵陆奥宗光; 为全权大臣,彼此较阅所奉谕旨,认明均属妥善无阙,会同议定各条款,开列于左: Article 1 China recognises definitively the full and complete independence and autonomy of Korea, and, in consequence, the payment of tribute and the performance of ceremonies and formalities by Korea to China, in derogation of such independence and autonomy, shall wholly cease for the future. 第一款 中国认明朝鲜国确为完全无缺之独立自主,故凡有亏损独立自主体制,即如该国向中国所修贡献典礼,嗣后全行废绝。 Article 2 China cedes to Japan in perpetuity and full sovereignty the following territories, together with all fortifications, arsenals, and public property thereon: (a) The southern portion of the province of Fêngtien [Fengtian] within the following boundaries [Liaodong agreement in November 1895 deleted this and replaced it with an indemnity of 30 million taels of silver to be paid Japan]: The line of demarcation begins at the mouth of the River Yalu and ascends that stream to the mouth of the River An-ping [Anping], from thence the line runs to Fêng-huang [Fenghuang], from thence to Hai-cheng [Haizheng?], from thence to Ying-kow [Yinzhou?], forming a line which describes the southern portion of the territory. The places above named are included in the ceded territory. When the line reaches the River Liao at Ying-kow, it follows the course of the stream to its mouth, where it terminates. The mid-channel of the River Liao shall be taken as the line of demarcation. This cession also includes all islands appertaining or belonging to the province of Fêngtien situated in the eastern portion of the Bay of Liao-tung and the northern portion of the Yellow Sea. (b) The island of Formosa, together with all islands appertaining or belonging to the said island of Formosa. (c) The Pescadores Group, that is to say, all islands lying between the 119th and 120th degrees of longitude east of Greenwich and the 23rd and 24th degrees of north latitude. 第二款 中国将管理下开地方之权并将该地方所有堡垒、军器工厂及一切属公物件,永远让与日本: 一、下开划界以内之奉天省南边地方:从鸭绿江口溯该江以抵安平河口,又从该河口划至凤凰城、海城及营口而止,画成拆线以南地方。所有前开各城市邑皆包括在划界线内。该线抵营口之辽河口,即顺流至海口止,彼此以河中心为分界。 辽东湾东岸及黄海北岸在奉天省所属诸岛屿,亦一并在所让境内。 二、台湾全岛及所有附属各岛屿。 三、澎湖列岛,即英国格林尼次东经百十九度起至百二十度止,及北纬二十三度起至二十四度之间诸岛屿。 ………… |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/listen/read/16614.html |