AP 2011-12-06(在线收听

 1. Herman Cain is suspending his bid for the GOP presidential nomination. His campaign is suffered since allegations of sexual harassment and a long-term affair surfaced. Cain calls those claims hurtful but still false. 

2. Iraq's prime minister says Monday's bombing in Baghdad was in fact an assassination attempt against him. However, Nouri al-Maliki says the attack in the Green Zone does not mean security forces aren't ready to protect the nation.
3. Vice President Joe Biden is in Turkey touting political freedoms. He told a crowd of entrepreneurs that democracy spurs economic innovation and that nothing good comes from censoring the internet.
4. Two giant pandas are making a 5,000-mile journey from China to Scotland. The pandas will arrive at their new home at the Edinburgh zoo Sunday, and then spend time adjusting to their new surroundings and handlers. 