AP 2012-01-27(在线收听

 1. An attorney for the captain of the Costa Concordia says his client has been placed under house arrest. Captain Francesco Schettino has been accused of causing Friday's deadly shipwreck off the Italian coast. In a newly released recording, Schettino can be heard resisting orders to return to the ship to help passengers evacuate. 

2. Supporters of an effort to force Wisconsin's governor out of office say they've collected one million signatures on their recall petitions. The drive started largely in reaction to a law pushed by Governor Scott Walker that ended nearly all collective bargaining rights for most public workers. 
3. Mitt Romney says he will release his 2011 tax returns in April. And they'll show he pays close to 15 percent of his income in taxes. The multimillionaire has been under pressure from his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination to release the information. 
4. After making its way across 5,000 miles of high seas and thick ice, the crew of a Russian tanker is now unloading more than a million gallons of fuel to the city of Nome, Alaska. Officials expect the transfer to take about five days to complete.