英语博客:ESL Podcast 710 – Doubting One’s Language Use(在线收听

  Flora: Can you help me? I’m working on this email to Emil and I’m having trouble coming up with the right words in French.
  Andy: My French isn’t much better than yours, but I’ll give it a shot.
  Flora: Okay, read this sentence for me. What I want to know is if that is a suitable way to say that I’m sick, but that I’m not seriously ill.
  Andy: Word choice can be tricky, but I think that’s the appropriate word, with the right meaning and the right connotations.
  Flora: Okay, now read this sentence. It doesn’t sound right to me. Is this the right usage of the word “faire”? I really doubt it.
  Andy: That’s because you’re using the wrong form of the verb, I think. Now if only I can think of the correct form. My French is really, really rusty.
  Flora: Now that you’ve pointed out the problem, I can look it up later. What about this paragraph? The last sentence sounds awkward to me.
  Andy: It sounds okay to me, but then again, I’m not a native speaker.
  Flora: Ugh, this is so frustrating! It’s such a production every time I write him an email.
  Andy: Maybe Emil will learn English and your troubles will be over.
  Flora: Yes and maybe monkeys will fly out of my butt!
  Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
