澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2012-01-06(在线收听

 US President Barack Obama has outlined big cuts to the military and a greater presence in the Asia-Pacific region. Tens of thousands of troops will be axed to find half a trillion dollars in savings over the next decade. President Obama says troop numbers can be reduced because US soldiers now being withdrawn from overseas complice like Iraq.

About 70 people have been killed in a spate of bomb attacks in Iraq. Several cars and roadside bombs targeted at Shia Muslims in southern Iraq and Bagdad. Sectarian tensions have been on the rise since the withdrawal of US troops from that country.
Fire authorities in South Australia say the threat posed by bushfire in the Flinders Ranges has reduced. More than 100 firefighters have been battling the blaze near the township of Wilmington. Authorities are warning residents there still are risks and advising to check their properties for fires and embers.
A new study shows more people in Australia and New Zealand use marijuana and amphetamine than anywhere else in the world. Medical journal The Lancet has examined global drug use. It found up to 14.8 percent of people in Australia and New Zealand use marijuana last year, almost 3 percent use amphetamine, such as "speed".
And the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd says a Japanese boat has been monitoring its operations in the Southern Ocean. The group's boat the Brigitte Bardot has docked in the West Australian port of Fremantle after been damaged by a large wave. The boat's manager Simon Ager says the Japanese boat followed them as the boat was being told.