SSS 2012-01-03(在线收听

 Ever wondered why mosquito eat some people up but leave others relatively unscathed. a new study  find this prefential treament due to smells produced by the microscopic critters that cover our bodies. the reaserch is in the journal public library science mosquito ,every human has a particular smell and differences are  due in part the particular bacteria  on each individual's skin.  the study test the malaria-transmitting Anopheles gambiae mosquitos attraction to the ordors fifity adult man.the participant's avoided items such as garlic that will change their natual smell.reaserchers collected the male scents by rubbing glass beads on the bottom on each particapant's feet and swabbed the same skin for microbes and they  discovered that  mosquito perfer the smells of skin with more abundant but less diverse bacteria communities. the scientists suggest that the diverse community may  include some microbes that produce compounds that mosquitos  natuarlly dislike .a further reaserch can identify this compounds, it could  lead to their development repellents to make bloodthirsty mosquites buzz off.
