访谈录 2012-02-15&02-17 甜心瑞茜·威瑟斯彭与妈妈的趣事(在线收听

 Yes,your day.

She called me,I've been answered.
She said,"I'd like to talk to you."
I said,"What about?"
She said,"I need to know something,I need to know what a D-bag is."
I have to kid,I have go to another room.
Oh my god.
I said,"I can't talk to you about that."And she gots,"You are gonna tell me coz if you don't tell me,nobody's gonna tell me."
I said"OK."So I told her what it was.
How did it come up as she heard about this?
And she said"I heard one man calling another man on ** last night.”
And I said,ah,I thought what it was and she said to me,ah,"Now what would anybody wanna call somebody that?"
Right,good point.
And I said I have no idea.
She got,"All right,goodbye."She likes causing you about funny things.
A D-bag.
I know my mummy about the kid and I'm about the mother. 
Yes!Got to see,sometimes you ever do this you ever think what the relationship I have with my mother is going to be,ah,duplicated mirrored as relationship my son has with me.You ever worry about that?
Oh,I have such a great relationship with my mother so I got it hope this my kids and I are good friends.
Well,may be I said too much about myself.